WWE announced the following WWE NXT developmental signings via their Performance Center Twitter:
*Former Impact Wrestling star Trevor Lee.
*Former Ring of Honor star Karen Q.
*Former New Japan and ROH star ACH.
*Australian star Jonah Rock.
*Second generation star Rachael Ellering.
*Former Impact Wrestling star (and Ten Pounds of Gold narrator) Samuel Shaw.
*Canadian tag team 3.0, best known Stateside for their time in CHIKARA.
*Australian star Elliot Sexton.
*Monster Factory dojo trainee Nick Comorato.
*Former Syracuse Football player Omari Palmer.
Today at the @WWEPC, we welcomed the newest class of recruits. @karenmeee, @RachaelEllering, @TLee910, @GoGoACH, @TheSamuelShaw, @Jagged3point0, @BigMagic3point0, @ElliotSextonAUS, @Jonah_Rock, Nick Comoroto, Omari Palmer and Ricardo Miller. pic.twitter.com/Ensviqw3bI
— Performance Center (@WWEPC) February 11, 2019
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