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By Stuart Carapola on 2018-04-07 00:25:00

Jerry introduces this year's legacy inductees: Stan "The Man" Stasiak, El Santo, "The Golden Greek" Jim Londos, Sputnik Monroe, Boris Malenko, Dara Singh, Hiro Matsuda, Rufus R. Jones, Cora Combs, and Lord Alfred Hayes.

Jerry says our next inductee has glam and grace, but will hit us in the face: Ivory.  We see a video package with comments from past and present female wrestlers, then Jerry introduces Molly Holly to do the induction.  Molly says that Ivory did everything in this business, and inspired her fellow stars from age 25 to 45.  She traveled so much for WWE she needed extra pages added to her passport, and her passion for living life to the fullest led her to GLOW and took many intentional detours to see the world and enjoy the moment, and did it all with her friend, Frankie the Cat.  Molly talks about rooming with Ivory on 9/11, and how great it is to be inspired by someone who was willing to go on with the show, and Ivory wrestled twice that night to put smiles back on faces that needed them.  Raw would be in Tennessee fur days later, and since flying wasn't an option then, Ivory set up a road trip with the other ladies and blasted showtunes their entire ride.  Ivory jumped fro mbed to bed once they got to the hotel, then Molly slammed Lillian Garcia on the bed so Ivory could frogsplash her.  It was grief therapy, Ivory style, and it's the spirit that kept her a pioneer of the women's revolution over the years.  She got a Twitter handle specifically to interact with her fans without any ulterior motives to sell anything, and Molly decided to ask Lillian here to help introduce a true trailblazer and icon, their friend Ivory!

Ivory comes out to talk about one time Lillian ribbed everyone by faking that their car was running out of gas during one trip between towns, and how she feels like a kid around Molly for always being so wise and mature even though she's 16 years younger than her.  Molly was great to drive with because she's be complaining and gossiping, and Molly wouldn't interact, she would just keep her hands on the wheel and not interact, and calls it Nora's Instant Argument Diffuser.  Ivory talks about how she came here in full Tina Ferrari purple for GLOW many years ago, and now she's come full circle to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.  She and New Orleans have been through good and bad times together, and talks about Hurricane Katrina, and while everyone was coming here to her aid, she was booked on an indy in Ohio, so she raised some money at the show, then hopped in a rental car and drove down here to work for ten days with their rescue animals.  That changed her life forever, and she's still working with animals today.  She thanks them for that, and for hosting Wrestlemania.  There were only limited spots in WWE years ago, and she was lucky enough along with Molly and Victoria to spark a revolution even though they never thought they did.  She mentions Trish, Lita, Jazz, and even Stephanie, Jackie, Molly Holly, Victoria, Molly, Terri Runnels, and Gail Kim worked hrd to inspire the modern era fo stars.  The modern division keeps growing and evolving, and she's proud to be a sister to all of them.  She thanks them for the chance to be a part of it, and thanks WWE for leading the evolution that turned into a revolution.  Her brother loves going to work because everyone there is smarter than him, and she loved going to WWE to be surrounded by the best in the business.  Whatever life you get to live, it's always about the people in it, and she thanks the fans for helping to build her up and quanitify her as a #WWEHallOfFamer.  She wouldn't have the guts to stand here if they didn't help build her up over the last few months, and this is a once in a lifetime event unless you're Ric Flair, and it's like getting married...unless you're Ric Flair.  She's never been married, nobody's ever really asked her...not even Ric Flair!  To her, this is like her wedding experience, and she wants to envelop everyon into this fantasy of hers.  IT started when she got the call to be in the Hall of Fame, and she got a contract like you need one to stand up here and get a Hall of Fame ring, and the contract said to get an evening gown, and an Attitude Era red flag went off in her head because to them, evening gowns meant someone was going to come out and throw her in the mud or something.  It's okay if she gets her dress torn off, because she's wearing Hall of Fame worthy undergarments.  She gave a shout out to her old tag team partner, her GLOW sisters, and she gives a shout out to her GLOW sister Angelina who is celebrating her anniversary with Mike.  Now for the groomsmen like David McClane, Mando Guerrero, Howard Brody, and Jim Cornette (who set her up on her first date with WWE), Jim Ross and Kevin Dunn (who always told her to be herself).  She asks everyone to mix it up, getting dirty on the dance floor...and suddenly the Right To Censor warning alarm goes off, and she says she can count on RTC to make sure nobody has too much fun.  She thanks Judy Martin, Wendi Richter, Heidi Lee Morgan, and the ladies who are with her in spirit like Mt Fiji, Big Bad Momma, Tara the Southern Belle, Luna Vachon, Candy Devine, Chyna, Mae Young, and Moolah.  Every bridre has something old (that'll be her), something new (the fans), something borrowed, like maybe a few minutes from the next inductee's time, and something blue, but she thought something purple suited her better, and she pulls out the old Ivory scarf thing.  Her wedding ceremony also needs to be documented and remembered with Howard Finkel and Billy Zamboni.  And to serenade, of course it would be Lillian Garcia, who gave her goosebumps for singign the National Anthem every Monday.  The guests would be all the WWE Universe, her family who is all here, her brothers (who wanted to be acknowledged as her first wrestling trainers), 11 nieces and nephews who are mostly all here, her dad is here in spirit, her mom is watching at home on the WWE Network, and her family isn't the Samoan dynasty, but she has a great family who all have great marriages.  She asks her sister one day what's so great about this marriage thing, and she says she can't imagine what her life would be like without her husband, but she says time flies by and you forget everything you do, and he's his witness.  So with that, she's ready for her final vows, so she takes the fans, her colleagues, the moments, the memories that made up her career to have and hold until we tap out, for better or worse, richer or poorer, until death do they part, and with this Hall of Fame ring, she does wed, and thanks the fans for being her witness.

Jerry says the next inductee has been called cocky and a cowboy, but now he can be called a WWE Hall of Famer, Kid Rock!  We see a video package of the celebrity wing of WWE, and Kid Rock's musical contributions to WWE over the years, including using American Badass as the Undertaker's entrance music.  Jerry introduces Triple H to do the introduction, and he says the celebrity wing is about people coming in and amplifying what they do, and Kid Rock had a big impact on what we all love.  Music makes you feel something, take you back to a period in life, a special memory just from hearing that song.  Triple H asks who doesn't picture Michael Hayes moonwalking across the Sportatorium when they hear Freebird, and he says it was a special time just like the Attitude Era.  The Attitude Era had a soundtrack, and Kid Rock was a part of it becuase he understood what they did and he could do literally any kind of music because he's a true artist.  His song for this year's show is Celerate, which is appropriate since this is a celebration and will create a memory we will never forget.  He introduces our latest celebrity inductee, Kid Rock!

Kid Rock sasys he was told long ago to go where he was celebrated, not tolerated, and here he is.  This is better than any Grammy, and that's a first, because there's no politics involved, they just called him up and offered to induct him, and he said hell yeah.  They had some cliff's notes and said not to thank Vince, because he doens't like accolades, but neither does he, and it also said to stay away from politics.  So, he thanks Vince for changing the face of this business, and he wants to go bodyslam some Democrats, but he was just kidding because he's standing here with his pockets empty.  We all know we're humans first and Americans second, so let's find some common ground and get along.  Rock & roll hasn't been too kind to his memory, but he does have fond memories of the Undertaker and American Badass, the Rock has been a good friend, and seeing Ric Flair who has introduced him at several shows, Hulk Hogan as well.  Nobody talks about how difficult this business is, but he knows because he's been on the road away from his family for many years, and the crew deserves our respect.  He says he'll throw some names out and promises to be the quickest one tonight, and thanks his family, his band, his current and previous managers, the fans, the fans, the fans, the fans, and the fans for being there for him.  He hopes it's not sacreligious to do this last, but he wants to thank Jesus, and his old bandmate Joe C, who loved wrestling more than anything and said he was only using Rock as a steppingstone to get to WWE.  He's proud to accept this and thanks everyone.

Coverage continues on Page 4!

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