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By Mike Johnson on 2017-10-14 16:34:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Ring of Honor Global Wars from Columbus, Ohio!

The show is airing live as part of ROH's Ringside Membership, which you can subscribe to at

Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana welcomed everyone to the event and ran down the main events.

The Addiction vs. Jay White & Jonathan Gresham.

Frankie Kazarian took the mic and said they were here for the fans' viewing pleasure.  Kazarian reacted to the crowd popping, saying they didn't need the false cheers and said anyone in a Young Bucks or Bullet Club t-shirt could meet them in the parking lot and get their asses kicked after the show.  Daniels said that the success of ROH is directly due to everything The Addiction has done, while the Motor City Machineguns are hiding from facing them and defending against the Young Bucks and the Kingdom.  The crowd chanted for the Bucks.  Daniels said the Bucks have never beaten them, so chant all you want.  He promised to kick the asses of their opponents.

Gresham and Kazarian started out and went back and forth with some nice wrestling.  Gresham is so smooth.  Daniels tagged in but was caught in the corner with a double dropkick.  White chopped away at Daniels in the corner and whipped him to the opposite corner.  Daniels cut him off with a boot but was nailed with another dropkick as he rebounded off the ropes.  White placed Gresham on his back then dove down onto Daniels.  Kazarian caught White and nailed him, then hit an enziguiri to Gresham, who was on the top and knocked him down hard onto the apron.

The Addiction took control on Gresham and worked him over with doubleteam maneuvers.  Daniels stomped away on Gresham.  They tagged in and out, working him over in the corner.   Daniels began focusing his attack on Gresham's neck.  White finally made the hot tag and cleaned house with great looking offense on the Addiction.  He suplexed Daniels into Kazarian in the corner and unloaded with chops.  Gresham hit a nice 450 splash off the top on Kazarian for a two count until Daniels broke it up.

Gresham fought off both members of the Addiction until Daniels drove him to the mat with both knees, then hit a tope suicida on White.  Kazarian nailed a cutter off the ropes on Gresham for a two count.  Gresham ducked a clothesline and Kaz nailed his partner. Gresham was caught in a double team powerbomb/neckbreaker combination but White returned to break up the pinfall.   White splattered Kazarian with strikes but was caught with with a back suplex/neckbreaker combination for the pin.

Your winners, The Addiction!

Really good opener.  The Addiction, who at this point could easily live off their laurels, worked their rear ends off.  White is a hell of a hand and is going to be a franchise guy.  Gresham worked hard and looked great here, even after he obviously suffered some form of eye injury.  Enjoyable.

The Addiction declared they were on the road to the ROH Tag Team titles.

ROH TV champion Kenny King came out after the announcers gave an update on Mark Briscoe.  King was originally slated to team with Briscoe.  King took the mic and was immediately booed.  He said they were supposed to face Marty Scurll and Adam Page but Mark Briscoe was injured in Pittsburgh.  He said that he swore when he won the belt, he was going to be a fighting champion, so he called out Adam Page and Marty Scurll to fight him and take an a**-whipping, calling them the Bullet Club B-Team.

Scurll and Page came out.  Scurll said they are far from the B-Team and knocked King for losing on The Bachlorette.  Scurll said they can face them 2 on 1 or one on one, but he doesn't have a partner because no one likes him and no wants to team with him.  They asked the fans if one of them wanted to team with King.  They told him to pick someone from the ring crew or a referee, saying that like King, they can't wrestle.  They said he can even team with a commentor.  Colt Cabana had a big smile on his face when he heard that and took off his headsets.  The crowd popped and chanted Colt's name.  King took the mic and said, "Hey Colt Cabana" and asked Ohio if they wanted to see Cabana.  They popped and chanted "Yes!"

King told Cabana to tag.  Cabana tried to explain he needed to commentate.  King got the crowd to chant "Boom Boom" until Cabana said he would be happy to be King's partner.  Cabana went to the back to get ready as they ran a commercial.  Good angle that the crowd loved and a nice way to give them something they didn't expect when faced with Mark Briscoe being injured.

Jay Lethal vs. Hiroshi Takahashi.

Daryl the cat is the special guest timekeeper.

Lethal and Takahashi faced off before locking up.  Lethal was pushed into the corner but got a clean break.  They faced off again and exchanged chops.  It was a furious exchange.  Takahashi was sent to the floor.  He tried to return but was nailed with a superkick that sent him to the floor.  Lethal hit a tope suicida to the floor.  Lethal nailed a series of uppercuts.  They battled on the floor until Takahashi nailed a great dive on Lethal.

Lethal was stomped when he returned to the ring.   Lethal was sent into the guard rails again.  Takahashi worked over Lethal, scissoring his legs around Lethal's neck.  Takahashi worked over Jay and placed him on the top.  Lethal fought him off and nailed the Lethal Combination but was too tired to make the cover.  They each recovered and began slapping the hell out of each other.  Takahashi shoved Lethal in the face.  Jay responded with chops and they began chopping the hell out of each other.  This is great stuff.

Takahashi drilled him and sent Lethal into the ropes, then kicked the back of his neck and head for a two count.  Lethal fought back and grabbed Takahashi with a Torture Rack, then rolled through, slamming him  Lethal went for a top rope elbow but landed on his feet and went for the figure four leglock instead.   Takahashi battled to the ropes and the battle continued with Takahashi nailing a big back suplex.  They returned to their feet and faced off, back and forth chops.  This is like Steamboat-Flair level chopping.

They each cut off the other as they rebounded off the ropes with knees.  Takahashi nailed a rana and turned Lethal into a deep choke, but Lethal used to legs to get to the ropes.   Takahashi kicked Lethal and went for a Firemans Carry but was maneuvered into a forward roll for a two count.  Lethal nailed a pair of cutters and scored the pin.

Your winner, Jay Lethal!

Excellent match.  These two had some incredible chemistry in the ring.  Absolutely worth tracking down.

Coverage continues on Page 2!


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