You aren't the first person to state that opinion. Only TNA can tell you what their mindset was to release that statement and those details. I don't see what they got out of it beyond getting it "off their chest", so to speak. It sucks for them that they thought they had a deal and it didn't go through, but as I've said before here on the site, if they feel they have legal means at their disposal in this situation, they should file a lawsuit.
Okay, with Matt Hardy turning heel while wrestling EC3, Does TNA pull the trigger on turning EC3 face because of it? I don’t see it as necessary or that it necessarily is a good way for turning him, but I know that is usually how these things work. While I think EC3 could work face I don’t think it really makes sense that just cause Hardy heeled him, he suddenly becomes face so I hope they don’t but just wondered about your thoughts.
They are obviously turning EC3 and his promo several weeks ago about being addicted to winning and wanting it the most was a great way to begin that process. Hardy's excellent work as a heel champion thus far should help that process along as well.
I just read what happened to Josh from Tough Enough over this tweet about the #socialjobbers and your comment about it how it wasn't for using insider terms. I know personally I thought it was ridiculous that "Mandy" was calling Sara Lee a "mat rat" after a cup of coffee in the business. How do you feel about these rookies using insider terms like they've been in the business all their lives?
I can't knock them for using terms that are used within the business. In the case of Mandy, she was trying to hurt Sara's approval rating with the audience, which backfired obviously. In the case of Josh, it seemed more like he thought he was being funny and didn't understand why he was being disrespectful. The locker room and WWE management will sort that out.
In the past few weeks, Roman Reigns has been booked to overcome great odds, in battling multiple men and coming out the victor. I understand that they are building to the idea of him winning/losing in the Rumble with odds stacked against him, but do you think that is hurting or helping him in the eyes of the fans? If he constantly loses against these odds, then I can't see people buying the PPV knowing that he will probably lose again. On the flip side, If he's always beating everyone, then the fans may view him as another Super Cena and reject him even further and destroying the aura he's been trying to build. What do you think?
I think it actually helps him, especially since he's gone from pretty much being booked out of the buildings to half and half reactions or getting the audience behind him in some markets. He needed the right foil and I think Vince McMahon added a big part of what he needed. Whether they can maintain or improve that, we will see.
Who decides who should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?
While WWE has sent out surveys internally within the company asking employees who should be inducted, at the end of the day, it's a yes from Vince McMahon.
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