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By Mike Johnson on 2016-01-27 09:35:38
Nikki Bella is slated to undergo surgery today to repair her broken neck and herniated disc. When the surgery is done, Bella will have a plate and several screws in her neck. The plan is to go in and separate the piece of the disc that has gotten caught behind her vertebrae. In an interview with the WWE website that was published this AM, she credited John Cena with pushing her to find out what was wrong and getting the initial MRI. One of the reasons it's taken so long to have the surgery is that doctors were unable to figure out exactly what the issue was due to the location of the injury and finally a specialist was able to pinpoint it. Bella Tweeted, "This isn't the end for me. This is the beginning of a new chapter, of a test of will and strength. This is my comeback." We wish her nothing but the best. It will be several months before Bella will know whether she can resume an in-ring career.

The lineup for The Dallas NXT Takeover event should become pretty clear by the end of tonight as WWE NXT will be taping another round of TV. Based on how much material they have filmed, tonight's taping should bring them up to Wrestlemania week. Austin Aries is signed and will be at tonight's taping.

As I mentioned yesterday on The Taz Show (which you can check out at, the belief among those I have spoken with is that if and when Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows are locked into deals, it will be for the main roster, not NXT.

Brian Knobbs was sitting ringside at last night's Smackdown taping in Tampa, FL.

Hip hop star Wale was at the Raw taping Monday in Miami.

Joey Styles noted on his Twitter that WWE is hard at work getting the remainder of ECW Hardcore TV and the entire run of ECW on TNN prepared for a future addition to the WWE Network's VOD section.

I've heard really good things about the forthcoming Edge and Christian show.

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