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In WWE back in the 80s, it seemed like titles only changed hands on the PPVs. Why was this?
They were trying to get people to buy the PPV, as they were a big revenue source. People could watch TV for free, or if they already paid for cable. They wanted to give the PPVs a draw. Plus, there were fewer events back then so they wanted them to be special.
If you were to interview Vince, what are your first three questions?
You don’t start off with the really hard questions. I assume you mean what would be the three hard ones I would ask. They would be:
1) The Raw product has followed the same pattern for over a decade now. Have you considered changing your format, from the long opening segment?
2) I have noticed a pattern where you have pushed talent weakly, they tried to amp them up, but they haven’t been accepted by the crowd they way that you want them to be due to the way you have booked them in the past. Do you concur with this?
3) It’s no secret that you have made John Cena the focal point of the company for the last decade, with debuting talent being destroyed in his wake. Looking back on it now, would you do anything differently if you could? From that I would parlay into asking him why, when someone gets over organically like a Damien Sandow, he doesn’t embrace it and instead squashes it.
What's RVD up to? With a possibly light on talent Wrestlemania coming up, he could provide a bit of a boost, not as the main thrust, but certainly adding some star power.
He is living his life in California. He wasn’t overly happy with his last run, since they didn’t use him very well. With a promise of a better push, I don’t see him in any hurry to come back.
I have a question regarding the WWE's ever decreasing ratings.I would like to know at what point would it take the execs over at the USA network to tell Vince to get his ratings up, or find a new home. Also, let's say that the ratings keep decreasing after Vince was told to bring them up or else, and USA network decides to dump WWE programming altogether. Do you think Vince would try to find another cable network, or just keep everything exclusive for the WWE network?
First, USA and WWE have a contract. So if there are no ratings clauses there, they can’t do anything until the deal expires. If drops out of the bidding on a new deal, Vince would do all that he can to shop it around. TV rights fees are the biggest source of revenue WWE has. They would have to do everything possible to replace that money. Moving Raw and Smackdown to the Network is not what they want to do.
I'm glad that the Network has finally added an NWA section. Just watching a few episodes, you can see how much the business has changed, they actually told a believable story. Do you think Vince may watch and see what we, as fans, have been missing?
I made the same exact comment on the site last week, about how much more realistic the product used to be. Sadly, I don’t think Vince watching old NWA would change anything. He has his vision of wrestling and unless something major happens, I don’t see him changing how he does things.
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