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What are your thoughts on Zack Ryder? One of my favorites, severely underused, and a single US Title singles run while he's been with the company.
I agree with you. He is also a perfect example of why so many people scoff when Vince McMahon made the comment about guys stepping up and grabbing the brass ring. Ryder got himself over with the fan base via his YouTube show and all indications are that it worked against him doing so. That is mind boggling to me. I get that WWE wants to chart its own course and lay out its storylines. That makes perfect sense. What I don’t get is that when something gets over organically, like Ryder, Damien Sandow, Alex Riley, Neville, etc., the company shuns it instead of embracing it. If the fans want to see Ryder in the IC Title picture, give it to them. They will buy his merchandise and your other products. I just don’t understand WWE’s pattern of continually ignoring what gets over organically. Money is money, I will take it whether it’s my idea or someone else’s.
I thought they were pushing that anything can happen in WWE but most everything has been predictable. I honestly think that the only thing to turn it all around would be to do some unpredictable things. What do you think?
I agree with you completely. Predictability is a major problem in WWE right now. They definitely need to shake things up and stop doing by-the-numbers booking if they want to increase interest in the product.
Have you ever seen a high profile match that was traditionally booked turn into a shoot fight?
A high profile match? No. The closest things to that would be the Bret Hart Montreal and Hulk Hogan Bash At The Beach screw jobs. But, they weren’t shoot fights, they were just double-crosses.
How would you book the Royal Rumble?
I wrote a column about how I would do it a few weeks ago. If you are a free site reader, you can read it by clicking here. If you are an Elite member, you can read the column in the January 10 Newsletter.
Do you think Joseph "Toots" Mondt is deserving of a WWE Hall Of Fame induction, since he founded Capitol Wrestling, which eventually became today's WWE, with Vince Sr?
Sure. Plus, James Dudley is in the Hall. If he is in, Toots Mondt definitely deserves a spot.
You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.
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