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By Dave Scherer on 2016-01-06 09:59:00

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If Sting is cleared for one more match, who should it be against? Should Vince and Dunn finally give in and give the fans Sting / Undertaker at Wrestlemania (if not in Texas, then in Minnesota in 2017)? Other than that, with reports that Sting will be at 32, do you think it's possible that we could at least get a Sting/Taker stare down? Surely that would get a great reaction out of a Wrestlemania TX crowd?

If he is cleared and will only have one more match, The Undertaker would be the guy I would want to see him have it against. Absolutely.

It kind of seems to me CM Punk predicted the state of WWE today three years ago..part timers coming in and beating full timers who bust there behinds every night and get passed over. Thoughts?

There certainly is a lot of that going on in WWE today. The scary part is that there are less and less guys to work part time, and bringing them back in has become something of a law of diminishing returns. They really need to start creating their stars of the future.

If The Fabulous Freebirds are inducted into the WWE HOF next year, would Jimmy Garvin be included in the group? 

Since it’s the WWE Hall Of Fame, why not? If it was one that was just based solely on the merit of what the guys did as a team, it would just be Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy and Buddy Roberts in my opinion.

I was just wondering what goes on in the facility at Full Sail University where WWE tapes NXT when there is no wrestling going on? Is it a venue that hosts other entertainment events outside of WWE?

Full Sail is a media institution of higher learning. It’s primary purpose is to educate students. The Arena there is part of the deal that they have with WWE and it’s basically there for WWE’s use.

Do you think ratings would go up for WWE if they went back to more adult oriented programming like in the Attitude Era?

It depends really. I don’t think they need to go into language and nudity. If they do that just to do it, it won’t get over much better than what they are doing now. What the company needs, in my opinion, is to tighten up the creative process. They can appeal to kids while still entertaining adults, like The Simpson for example. To me, fixing the problems in creative is the big issue.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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