Lately, Dolph Ziggler has been using Shawn Michaels’ “tuning up the band†stomp (although I don’t recall him actually connecting his superkick with an opponent). Did he do this on his own or is this something given to him by creative?
I haven't heard that it was something given to him by creative, but it is
obviously approved because if WWE management wasn't happy about it, it wouldn't
keep happening.
Was it some kind of running gag at the Slammy
awards where most of the people who won "unfortunately couldn't be here
tonight?" Should they have just not included people like Cena, The Rock, etc as
nominees when they know they won't be here and chances are they're winning. I
mean the only surprising win was Nikki Bella. They must have known these guys
would win and aren't there to accept. Also, doesn't this show problems in WWE
that people who were in highlights aren't full timers?
I agree it made WWE look silly that winner after winner wasn't present. Going forward, they should pre-tape material just in case those nominated who can't be there end up winning. It certainly does spotlight the part-timers!
I don't know if y'all have seen this: Strange coincidence? Will Austin Watson need to be rebranded now? I know too many ?Steve Williams? was a problem but that?s a bit more common than ?Xavier?...
I don't believe there will be any issue. There were two Stings in different genres and it never mattered.
What do AJ Styles and Moose get out of wearing gloves to wrestle? Is
it just as simple as personal preference?
Personal preference, a
different look, a new piece of merchandise to sell, etc. There's lots of
reasons to wear them.
Do you think WWE will book someone to break CM Punk's record this year?
It's possible but I don't think WWE is even worrying about it, to be honest.
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