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By Dave Scherer on 2015-12-23 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

Do you think the misuse of NXT talents when they reach the main roster is hurting the NXT brand?  I'm sure a generous portion of the audience is watching NXT to see the stars of the future.  When the audience realizes they're just watching the John Cena fodder of the future, do you think they'll start to tune out?  You said you feel for the talents and HHH when NXT talent is squandered on the main roster but what about the fans that become invested in the talent, see them as stars, then see things like Ryback singlehandedly defeating the Ascension?

I think the vast majority of NXT fans clearly know the differences between the brands, so I don’t think it hurts NXT when WWE misuses the talents, I think it makes the NXT fans dislike WWE because they know it’s Vince McMahon using the NXT talents badly.

Gone are the days when headstrong talent and stubborn backstage minds would have major blow-ups with Vince McMahon, even leaving the WWF/E as a result. Today, McMahon steamrolls over his staff, and the product is widely regarded to be at its creative nadir. Is it safe to say that without those adamant helping hands of yesteryear, The 'old man' has now been exposed as a seriously overrated mind – not for marketing or negotiation – but for creating actual wrestling content?

You can’t blame the talent for not going to war when there is nowhere else they can go and make the money that they make in WWE. They have bills to pay just like you and I. Vince has his vision of what the business is and at times it has been great (like in the 80s) and at times it has left money on the table when he hasn’t adapted. I get that he likes things to go as he plans them but a smart businessman also gives the people what they want, whether he understands why they like it or not. His inability to give the people what they get over organically (such as Daniel Bryan’s rise) is definitely his Achilles heel.

What is wrong with TNA? Only 4 matches on a 2 hour show, but where do the ad breaks fall????

When a company tapes footage 5-6 months before it airs, those things will happen. They are doing the best that they can with the resources that they have.

I say with Great conference, that the Dalton Castle vs Silas Young story line is the best thing going on in professional wrestling today. I  honestly haven't been emotionally invested in a feud like this since the CM Punk "Pipe bomb" days. With saying that, do you see any of the two charismatic stars of ROH making an NXT cameo anytime soon, or do you think that they are not the material that WWE/NXT would be interested in at this point?

Silas has been around a while so if WWE were interested in him, I think they would have made a move already. With that said, I love how he has been in the feud. He has been great. I see a huge future ahead for Castle. He has been great for ROH and he hasn’t been around that long. I am sure he is on WWE’s radar but I don’t see WWE letting him go any time soon.

I was interested to read on your site that the WWE has hired Mauro Ranallo as the lead announcer on Smackdown.  I am a huge fan of his work and especially enjoy his work on the New Japan shows on AXS.    That all being said I’m surprised WWE would hire him.  The reason I say that is that his announcing style is totally different than what they tend to look for in an announcer.  He also treats wrestling as a serious sport and seems to have a vast knowledge of the holds and moves which seems to be the opposite of what WWE is looking for.  Do you think that WWE is planning to go in a more serious directions with Smackdown once it moves to the USA Network or will they try to remake Mauro into a typical WWE announcer.  If so, I’m not sure they will be successful in doing that. Thoughts?

I love how Mauro treats the business and I too hope he is allowed to be who he is. His enthusiasm is infectious. I would have to think they have heard his work and know what he is all about when they signed him. I am looking forward to hearing him call the show.

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