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What do you think the prospects of having a Diva's Money In The Bank Match at WrestleMania this year since there are now quite a few women on the roster with even a couple more in NXT that could be ready by then?
Honestly, I am sick of the male version of MITB. It has become completely contrived and a booking crutch. I don’t want to see them use that crutch for the ladies.
Last night the ECW crew cut an awesome promo for the match with the Wyatt Family. My question is could this be the early signs that Bully Ray could be coming to the WWE. Probably not in name but in Bubba getting a singles run and being a top guy?
I don’t see that happening. If that was WWE’s plan, I think they would have brought him in that way. Plus, they would have brought him in and given him wins. I think it’s pretty clear they want him as the veteran, coach in the ring kind of role and he is a great fit for it.
Am I the only one uncomfortable with Stephanie slapping the crap out of Reigns when there's no ability to fairly retaliate?
That has been an issue I have had for a while. Stephanie can’t be hit by men, so yes it does annoy me when she gets physical with the wrestlers. The whole idea of the business is for a heel to “get theirs†and that can’t happen most of the time with her. Another part of the problem is that it makes for a groundswell of fans wanting to see a woman get hit, and that is not something that should be done in 2015.
Now that Roman Reigns is "the man" in WWE, do you think they could finally turn John Cena heel?
They could, for sure. It would definitely shake things up, but I don’t see the point. Cena still sells a ton of merchandises and does a lot of good things with little kids. WWE knows that he is an asset and I don’t see them trying to go heel with him. And knowing how a lot of the adult male fans feel about him, they just might cheer him if they did make the move.
Am I the only person upset with the WWE for spoiling the Raw main event by advertising the wrestler who could be "fired" will be appearing on Sportscenter the next night?  This is a glaring reason why the WWE needs a continuity checker.  In an era of smart and well thought out television shows the WWE cannot seem to get out of their own way.
I had no problem with it because they made a point of saying that he may not be employed by WWE when he appeared. They sold it like it could be his first post-WWE interview so it was fine by me.
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