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By Dave Scherer on 2015-12-21 09:59:00

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I know adding more championships usually isn't the answer, but with all the lighter weight wrestlers on the roster and more waiting to be called up from NXT what do you think about bringing back the cruiserweight title? If done right it would give the guys in the lower mid-card something to strive for instead of simply trading wins every other week. 

”If it’s done right” is the key part of your question. I just don’t see it happening. Vince McMahon has never been behind that kind of fast paced product so as long as he is in charge, I don’t see it happening.

I'm fascinated with Mark Calloway the person, more so than The Undertaker character.  I understand he is a very private person, however at times we have seen glimpses into his personal life, such as on Jimmy Kimmel Live and "Off the Record".  Once his career finishes, do you think we will see any sort of tell-all book or DVD about him? 

I only see that happening if he endorses the project. If he doesn’t want it to happen, it won’t (at least not by anyone reputable). My hunch is that he will not be in favor of doing that.

If you wanted to show a non-wrestling fan one match that exemplifies everything good that women's wrestling can be, would you show them the Sasha vs. Bayley match where Bayley wins the championship, or their iron man match?

You can’t go wrong with either one. It’s like picking your favorite child.

As the WWE builds new heels in the League of Nations, Wyatt Family, and Kevin Owens, do you think it is more likely that Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose stay faces for the time being?  Furthermore, could/should that lead to Seth Rollins returning as a face to reform the Shield?

WWE needs babyfaces so I don’t see any point in turning either Reigns or Ambrose at this time. I don’t want to see The Shield reformed as a unit, because the company needs top faces, but I thought that Rollins should have been turned already. He wrestles like a babyface and I think he could be great in that role.

I completely get that WWE can put in or remove anyone they wish from their Hall of Fame since they set the standards, it's for a worked sport, whatever.  But wouldn't it be going down a bad road if WWE did remove Donald Trump?  There are people who support him and agree with his anti-immigration stances (including the one on Muslims.)  No one agreed with what Hogan said, only people who felt it was unfair that it happened to Hogan from within the confines of his home.  Furthermore, how can there be any true push to remove Trump when Pete Rose, who isn't even eligible for the baseball HOF because he broke the cardinal rule of gambllng on games, remains in there?  Wouldn't the WWE be better served to stick to clear cut cases like Hogan and Jimmy Snuka?

I disagree with you that no one agreed with Hogan. In my experience, there are a lot of racists out there, as well as people that have irrational hatred toward gay people. So Trump and Hogan both have people that agree with them and the things they have said. The fact of the matter is, for everyone that thinks that anyone who is of the Muslim faith should be branded with a tattoo, as the Nazi’s did to the Jews during World War II, there is at least one person that is offended by his assertion. So WWE has to consider that. I don’t see Rose as comparable. He broke the rules of baseball, but that is a far cry from making racists statements.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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