There's no chance of that right now. If Daniel Bryan was healthy (under WWE's standards), he would be in the ring competing right now. WWE is so thin on legitimate, drawing top talents at the moment that they would gladly welcome anyone getting over to the point Bryan did several years ago. There is no conspiracy anywhere beyond in the minds of certain fans.
Watching the latest Breaking Ground and I was wondering if Cal Bishop got heat for walking away without shaking Canyon Ceman's hand after he was released. It was beyond awkward!
I don't know if there was heat on Bischop but realistically, if he was just released, I don't think he was worried about whether he was going to have heat or not. He was being cut from the company, so it's not like he was mentally prepared for that moment. That was obvious from his reaction, so I think he can be forgiven for not being all congenial and polite over being let go.
Why hasn't there ever been a ghostbusting character? That's the sort of thing that would get over in 2015 I think.
I'd have to disagree on that one. I don't see how it could work for today's audience.
Triple H noted on the conference call yesterday that he has control over the NXT product but not the main roster. I thought he was head of creative. What gives?
No matter who has the executive title, there is only one Grand Poobah when it comes to WWE decision-making for the main roster and that's Vince McMahon.
I was watching SMW and saw Jim Ross doing commentary with Les Thatcher. How often did they work together?
The SMW episodes from the Night of Legends was actually the first time they ever worked together. They didn't work together often but they meshed incredibly well.
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