No, I don't believe such a boycott could ever truly be created and even if it was, unless everyone involved were Nielsen families, it wouldn't matter. Those are the hard numbers that WWE, USA Network, etc. are concerned about, not people upset online that the show isn't what they want it to be. That's the unfortunate truth.
If you're Vince McMahon, what do you think needs to be done to get the ratings up?
I need my top stars back on TV, I need to strengthen my undercard so they aren't seen as always losing and/or comedic characters, I need my titles to mean something and I need for my talents to stop reading scripts and start speaking from the heart. I also need something to click so that week to week, someone wants to see a certain talent or two more than they want to watch football.
Often we see people point to the Attitude Era and wanting to bring back elements from that time period (cursing, scantily clad women, etc.), thinking that such magic dust will somehow make WWE's ratings leap back to 4.0 or higher. I tend to disagree, as I tend to agree with points that PWI has mentioned in the past. My question is this: why does it seem as though so many tend to bring up the Attitude Era as some sort of gold standard for how wrestling should be when one could just as easily make a case for the Rock N Wrestling eras and some prior periods during the territory days being just as big?
People bring it up because the majority of them saying it only lived through the Attitude era and there is a level of nostalgia for when they were jumping back and forth between Raw and Nitro, there was a "you can't do that on TV feel, can you?" feel to Raw, live shows were almost always sold out, Rock and Austin were at the top of their game, etc. It was a fun time. But, you can't go back home.
Considering that the Cody Rhodes character is all but history, do you see Stardust possibly revamping his gimmick by possibly bleaching his hair blond as well as making his face paint much more weirder?
I think there's lots of ways to go, but blonde would only make people think of Dusty and wouldn't play well with his current color scheme.
Any word on the Jake Roberts film being nominated for an Oscar?
Unfortunately, the film did not make the final cut of 15 nominations for Best Documentary.
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