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By Dave Scherer on 2015-11-30 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

Can you see any reason why WWE hasn't added pre-network episodes of NXT to WWE Network?  I was shocked when I went looking for them.

I would think it’s just a matter of logistics, not anything more than that. Adding things to the Network is a process and not as easy as it would appear to be.

So if we can pause the whole continual debate about "go away heat" or whatever term is used for a moment...... Isn't the proof in the pudding as far as WWE's tumbling ratings? I get it that a lot of folks believe that heat is heat and generating any negative reaction is the whole point, but surely at some point somebody may have to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe when people are booing that it's not entirely due to them being sucked in and worked by the characters, that there is a genuine disconnect occurring to the point that those booing are representative of those who have decided to just find anything else to watch on Monday nights?

In June, Raw did 4.1 million viewers. Last week, it did under 3 million viewers. In less than six months, they have lost over 25% of their audience. So yes, the proof is absolutely in the pudding. What is clear as a sunny day is this: In less than six months WWE has driven over a million people away from Raw. They can make all of the excuses that they want, but when viewership is at an 18 year low, the fact of the matter is the booking is not connecting with the audience the way that it needs to. It is that simple.

Do you think Triple H approaches the news that one of the NXT talents is being called up to the main roster with trepidation?  He’s so heavily invested in NXT, the characters, etc. only to see them be called up and flounder under Vince’s direction.

I can’t say what’s in his head but from what I know about how much he lives and breathes NXT, I would think whenever one of his talents that he is really invested in gets called up, he would have to at least be anxious. The track record that Vince McMahon has with booking NXT workers is not great. I would think at least a part of HHH feels like his good, hard work is not being used well on the main roster. I know I would feel that way if I were in his position.

Am I the only one thinking that WWE may never clear Daniel Bryan to wrestle again but aren't willing to announce it out of fear of losing more viewers? I am all for safety and understand they are worried about the wrestlers health but hasn't he been cleared by multiple doctors just not theirs? I thought his last few injuries were more physical then concussion. And if they offered him a non-wrestling role like announcer something do you think he'd take it or would his love for performing drive him back to the indies?

First, last I heard he has been cleared by his own doctor. I don’t blame WWE for waiting until their doctor does the same. That is what they pay their doctor for, to make decisions like that. Concussions are not easily definite injuries. If you break a leg, you can tell when the bone heals. Concussions are not like that. And with CTE all over the news due to the problems NFL players are having, WWE has to be cognizant of the situation. No final decision has been made yet for Bryan so there is nothing for them to announce. Now, if I am him, and reputable doctors tell me I am an serious risk of loss of quality of life if I get another concussion, then I retire, the same way Steve Austin and Edge hung up the boots when they were told that their spines put them at risk of paralysis. Quality of life is way more important.

In the future, whom do you see taking the belt off Finn Balor after a strong reign?

If I had to guess, I would go with Apollo Crews. He seems to be the next “It” guy in NXT and it would make sense for his progression to continue with an NXT Title win.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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