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By Dave Scherer on 2015-11-11 09:59:00

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We all know that wrestling in general requires that fans have a willing suspension of disbelief; with that said, who in the WWE roster (excluding HHH and the Undertaker) do you believe can be seen as a believable opponent who could be booked to beat Brock Lesnar? The only person that comes to mind for me is Kevin Owens. KO has the size to match somewhat with Lesnar, we all know that he can go the distance in any type of match, he can match Lesnar as far as working an incredibly stiff style, and (despite WWE booking him as a cowardly/shrewd heel) Owens carries himself in a way that you know he's a legitimate fighter and badass. Anyone thoughts?

You can’t put just anyone in there with Brock, but wrestling is a business that is based off of what the booker wants us to perceive about a talent and whether that person can convey what is given to him to sell. In that vein, sure, guys could be booked strongly enough to at least seem like a legitimate match for Brock. But it all comes down to how they are booked leading up to it.

Some people accused Brock of blading. What your thoughts?

He was busted open the hard way. You don’t get nine staples when you blade. Brock is a bull, always has been. Those things will happen with him.

Why is it that on the recent table for 3 NXT episode that Neville and Samoa Joe could mention everywhere they wrestled but TNA? Joe had a great run for years there yet he acted like it never happened.  It was ok to mention ROH and Japan but never TNA. They also did this to James Storm. What gives and why?

Quite simply? It’s WWE’s show and they don’t have to mention TNA if they don’t want to. And given TNA has sued WWE in the past, you can’t blame WWE for wanting to ignore them. WWE has no obligation to tell the whole story to its fans, especially where a competitor that has sued them in the past is concerned.

Great to hear Superstar Billy Graham is back in the WWE mix.  However, last I heard he was having some health concerns.  How is his health these days, and would that hamper any potential opportunities offered to him?  Follow up to my previous question:  is Graham a good candidate to replace Dusty's role in promo class, and if not, who would be your ideal candidate? 

Last I heard, Graham was still dealing with some health issues but was coping with them as well as could be expected. I don’t know enough to say if it would hamper any opportunities. To me, he is not the guy I would have fill Dusty’s role. Graham had his own style of doing promos but he wasn’t a booker. Dusty was, in addition to being a great promo. Dusty knew how to teach and get the most out of a talent. That is why the perfect replacement for him, in a perfect world, would be Paul Heyman. I don’t know that Heyman would want to move to Florida however. But given his body of work in ECW, Heyman has already shown he knows how to teach and get the most out of a talent. He would be the first guy I targeted to replace Dusty if I were Triple H. Even if he didn’t want to do it full time, I would fly him to Florida regularly to work with the young wrestlers.

In your opinion is there any great need to have traditional faces and heels in WWE in 2015. For example fans decide who they like and who they don't. Obvious example Cena is the ultimate face to so many but is equally the ultimate heel to many. If WWE where to to simply send out characters and let fans decide who they like and who they don't, would we get a quality of wrestling.

I think one of the biggest problems WWE has right now is that, in 2015, they are holding onto the antiquated concept of heels and faces. During their biggest period in their history, the Attitude Era, they didn’t book that way. They shouldn’t be doing it now either. That isn’t to say that their shouldn’t be heels and faces, but they shouldn’t be as over-the-top as they are now, and Cena is the perfect example of that.

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