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Since beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30, Brock has steamrolled through everyone he faced whether it was a match or a fight. John Cena, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kane, Big Show, The New Day... they all got destroyed by Brock. Nobody could stand toe to toe with them. Then at Battleground Taker comes back and punks Brock out. The next night they get into a wild brawl. And then at Summerslam they have a back and forth contest with Taker barely winning. So my question is, has WWE totally crapped on their current roster by having the Undertaker be the only guy who can stand toe to toe with him?
I think so, yes. Add to that that Cena has beaten everyone else and it gets even worse.
Is it getting harder to suspend belief because the story lines are just getting dumber?  As I watched the last match on Raw, all of the lumberjacks came out, including Sheamus and his briefcase! The match goes on and old man Kane leaves Rollins almost lifeless. Where is Sheamus, who was just there with his briefcase? When the champion lies there motionless, wouldn’t that be the time to cash in??  I know they want to have a “cash in†on a PPV but then why have the dumb match in the first place?
You make an excellent point. I have said this many times on audio. WWE needs to hire a continuity team. They need people to remember what has happened in the past so it is addressed when people cross paths in the future, and they also need a logic editor whose sole job is to look for ridiculous things like what you mentioned in the storylines. They will also need a lot of them because my hunch is Vince McMahon will be using his “You’re Fired†catchphrase quite a bit.
Why did TNA include Group Knockout in their world title tournament? Are they going to have a Gail Kim vs Abyss match? How about Awesome Kong vs Bobby Lashley? I love the knockouts, but How does that make any sense?
I think it’s ridiculous as well. Maybe you can put Awesome Kong in a match with a man, but that’s it. It is a train wreck waiting to happen if they put any of the other three in a match with a man, unless maybe it’s a comedy guy. Even then, I don’t want to see it.
What the chances of the Hardy Boyz (either one or the other or both) returning next year and following the trend of the Dudleyz (Bubba Ray showing up in the RR, nine months later they return to the tag division for example). I for one would love to have Matt and Jeff return for one last run after their TNA deal expires?
I think it all depends on what happens with TNA. If they can keep making a good living in the manner that they are now, I don’t see either in any hurry to go back to the rigors of the WWE schedule. Both have done well financially and don’t seem to need the money. They both seem to be having a lot of fun right now too. I think they like being singles wrestlers and I don’t think they want to be 40 year old “Hardy Boyz†again. If there was a top singles position offered, I think they would consider it and go from there. That is my take.
Do you see TNA ever getting turned around? I have lost almost total interest in the product. I tune in sporadically as I am a fan of Bobby Roode, Austin Aires, Eric Young, and most of the knockouts. Honestly, if it weren't for the knockouts, I would not put TNA on at all. I have no interest in most of their current roster. I think that is probably the sentiment of the 700k fans who tuned TNA out.
Currently, no I don’t. To turn things around to the level you are talking about, they need more revenue. What they are currently bring in makes them largely a TV wrestling company that tapes well in advance. Without an influx of cash, I don’t see that changing.
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