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By Mike Johnson on 2015-10-02 10:00:48
I am watching the NXT Takeover Panel and HHH says there are things he doesn't understand but the audience reacts to it, so he's happy to let it go. Any chance he can impart that wisdom on Vince McMahon?

There is always a chance. I don't think it's likely to happen in the short-term but given the way the audience has dropped of late, it might behoove Vince to just let things go and see if the audience rebounds if he lets loose on the reigns the way that HHH does in NXT.

Jim Cornette: Blowhard or knowledgeable?

In my dealings and in my opinion, extremely knowledgeable. Jim will readily admit that he's not in tune with a lot of today's wrestling but a lot of the ways that things were done in the territory era and from a logical standpoint that he complains aren't done today do indeed ring true to me. Jim is certainly verbose and steadfast in how he sees things but I have a lot of respect for him for being as honest as he is, even when I don't agree with him on certain topics. His passion is never in question.

Vince Russo: Blowhard or knowledgeable?

We should note that Vince is not a fan of me personally (nor I him), but I would say that there was a time he was knowledgeable, not about the history or the mechanics of the business but what the culture wanted and was able to impart those ideas into his writing. When popular culture changed, Vince was no longer able to tap into that and his vision, in my opinion, became antiquated. I think he's a blowhard publicly because he's trying to play a public persona not unlike a Rush Limbaugh, trying to get himself attention and to make money, while also hoping he can maneuver himself back into a writing job.

Dave Meltzer: Blowhard or knowledgeable?

I don't like to comment on other writers because it just puts me in a position where people assume I am taking shots, but you sent the three questions together and I don't want to appear to you to be ducking them. Meltzer was the first person to open up and popularize the genre I write about in the style I write about it and he's been doing it for decades. I'd say that means he'd have to be pretty knowledgeable, right?

Any chance WWE brings in Joel Gertner as a surprise to introduce the Dudleys at the MSG special?

I think that is an awesome idea but I don't know that WWE would think to do it. It would probably get a hell of a reaction, though!!

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