Why are the majority of pro wrestling twitter account profile pictures yellow? Even a personal response will do.
They aren't yellow, they are gold, which is the international color for childhood cancer awareness. WWE is doing a promotion where everyone who changes their Twitter photo golden will result in WWE donating $1.00 (up to a total of $75,000.00) to the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation to benefit Connor’s Cure. It's a great cause, so to go gold and help, CLICK HERE.
There was a young woman long ago who went by the name of Dark Journey. Who was she? Whatever happened to her?
Dark Journey was Linda Newton, a woman who got into the business after meeting Dick Slater. She worked for Mid-South and Jim Crockett Promotions and then moved on. She lives in California today and is making a rare appearance at the 10/3 Legends of the Ring convention in Monroe, NJ.
So the WWE releases a John Cena shirt for him being a 15 time WWE champion however he goes for his 16th championship on Sunday. So if John Cena was going to win on Sunday why release a shirt? That is giving away the finish to the match and a mad move on creative and merchandise depts.
Cena didn't win the belt, so it wasn't a bad move. Creative changes day by day but the idea was never for Cena to win the WWE World Heavyweight championship.
Regarding Pope being an announcer on Impact, do you think it is a waste of talent, even though I think he's doing a good job? It seemed a few years back he was poised to become a major player in TNA, before turning heel for no apparent reason and feuding with Samoa Joe. Has there been any interest on either side to him being used as a wrestler?
I think Pope is fine as the color guy in TNA. They can always keep a return in their back pocket but right now, I've only heard of him working as an announcer.
I was wondering the status of the 2015-2016 Diva Search from WWE that was supposed to be on the WWE Network this Summer/Fall...Is there any word on it's start date? Or if they've even started filming or auditioning at all?
No new updates on this yet.
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