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I believe Kurt Angle has a few great matches left in him, so why does WWE, and HHH in particular, refuse to sign him to a part time contract, given his age and neck issues? They have part timers like Sting, Brock, and Undertaker all in prominent main event positions, so why not Angle?
Well, Sting was out there doing nothing until they brought him back. And think about what you said, his neck and age issues. That is a great reason not to sign him to me. I wouldn’t want him to get hurt on my watch.
On the 9/2 episode of Impact with PJ Black vs Bobby Roode for the KOTM title, Roode wins the match with the Roode Bomb and PJ is laying on the mat fixing his hair ties and elbow pads while supposedly knocked out. He did the same thing earlier on in the match fixing his hair ties after a big move putting him on the mat. Little things like this get me annoyed at the wrestler because he or she should not be concerned with such things and it takes away at the realism. I know Shawn Michaels used to do this all the time in his 90s WWF run and women have to do it all the time with their tops. Do things like this annoy you also or is this just nit picking?
I accept them for what they are, they want the heel to seem like a jerk and since it’s not an actual competition, they take poetic license with it.
How about taking the entire booking of the women wrestlers out of Vince’s hands and having some or one former female wrestler book the women wrestlers? They could start by dumping the Divas name and title belt and bringing back the old women’s title. Lastly,stop calling them girls. The announcers should call them women.
Since I have said all of those same things myself, I will agree with myself (and you!).
I'm not a race baiter or trying to stir up any racial issues here but I've just always been curious as to why in WWE other than perhaps Booker T have we never seen a Top African American wrestler pushed as hard as say Cena, HHH, Punk, Rollins etc.. Like in Hollywood in wrestling is there just a belief that an top African American star won't draw the same as a white counterpart?
Have you forgotten about The Rock? He got a pretty big push. And not for nothing but WWE has used a lot of guys really poorly over the years and not maximized what they could have gotten out of them.
Should Nikki Bella get an asterisk next to her reign since she hasn't really defended the title?
Since it’s not a real sport, no. Asterisks are for legitimate competition, not sports entertainment. No Title is actually won, it’s given to someone.
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