"Professor" Elliot Maron, a staple of the Northeastern professional wrestling scene for decades, passed away last night in Brooklyn, NY after going into cardiac arrest. He was 64 years old. Maron had been in ill health for some time battling diabetes, leading to a leg being amputated in 2007. He was in a diabetic coma when he passed away.
Maron was around the WWWF for many, many years, selling programs, as a ring attendant, escorting wrestlers to and from the ring and at times, even transporting the WWWF TV Taping masters from Allentown, PA where the shows were filmed back to New York, where the WWWF offices were at the time. He was often tasked with personally delivering the TV tape to WWOR channel 9, where the WWWF TV aired in NYC.
Maron would also occasionally ring announce at some of the smaller spot shows the company ran. If WWWF ran in the greater NYC area, New Jersey or Pennsylvania, chances are Maron was there helping out in some capacity.
Maron also hosted a radio show dedicated to professional wrestling on WHBI Radio in the New York area for many years.
In later years, Maron would work security for Shea Stadium and Madison Square Garden.
I'd met Elliot many times over the years and he was an extremely nice man who loved professional wrestling, especially the WWWF era that he was around. He maintained an extreme sense to loyalty to the McMahon family, to the point that anytime I'd suggest he do an audio interview discussing the era, he would turn it down, saying it wasn't right to expose the business. He was old school to the core.
On behalf of everyone associated with PWInsider.com, I'd like to express our deepest condolences to Elliot's family and friends.
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