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By James Kent on 2015-07-31 09:01:50

Here is the report from last night's Impact/Xplosion taping from Orlando.

They set up the main event for October’s Bound For Glory PPV:

EC3 vs. Drew Galloway, with Jeff Hardy as the ref, for The TNA Title

Here are the results:

Micah beat Jessie Godderz.

Tigre Uno beat Kenny King to retain the X Division Title.

Chris Melendez beat Eric Young in a Lumberjack Match.

Gail Kim retained The Knockouts Title by beating Jade.  Awesome Kong came out so it looks like she is next for Gail.

EC3 beat Rockstar Spud to retain the World Heavyweight Title. Ethan ordered Jeff to attack Spud but he wouldn’t.  Matt Hardy came out and EC3 ordered Jeff to attack his brother, but he wouldn’t.  Instead, the Hardys attacked EC3 and Tyrus.  Jeff broke away from EC3.

Everyone left in The Revolution quit on James Storm.

Galloway won an elimination match over The Wolves, Bram and Lashley to get the Title match at Bound For Glory.

Kong beat Brooke.

Trevor Lee beat DJ Z and Tommaso Ciampa in a Three Way.

Mahabali Shera beat Storm in a No DQ Match.  Shera got help from the former Revolution members.

Rebel, Marti Belle and Jade beat Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne in a handicap match.

Galloway and Matt Hardy beat EC3 and Tyrus. Jeff Hardy was announced as the guest referee the October Title match.

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