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By Dave Scherer on 2015-07-15 09:59:00

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Did Cesaro do something in someone's cornflakes? This man has had consistently good matches, yet he gets no real kind of push. Your opinion?

Vince McMahon has said that he doesn’t like Cesaro’s Swiss accent. To me, it’s crazy. They could do so much more with him and as I type this on Sunday, I hope they did on Raw. If they don’t start pushing him then there really wasn’t much of a long term point in the matches with John Cena.

I don't understand Steve Austin being on the cover of the latest WWE video game. I don't think this helps sell any more games as most of the target audience is probably too young to remember his work. He doesn't seem to be making his way, nor should he at over 50, to an in-ring return. The attitude era was a great period for wrestling, but it's been addressed in a previous version of the game. Wouldn't this be a good opportunity to honor a current member of the locker room that might connect better with the younger viewers such as a Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, etc.?

I agree with you. Austin has pretty much said he will never wrestle again. He is ten years passed mattering as a wrestler. I would have rather seen a younger guy get the cover, or at least an active one like Brock Lesnar. It’s a shame that they haven’t elevated a younger guy to that position.

First of all, let me preface this by saying I like Dean Ambrose.  His character works, and is just about as edgy as you can get in a PG product.  But, don’t you think he’s sort of the opposite of Ryback?  Meaning that people say Ryback is sloppy and too stiff in the ring, while Ambrose’s offense actually looks pretty weak?  His punches barley look like they have anything on them.  I feel like he could improve and his character keeps me interested, but for now I feel he has a lot of work to do.  Do you agree?

No sir, don’t agree. I don’t see that at all. I like Dean’s work.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how scary is the image of Brock Lesnar wielding two fire axes?


Did it look like Brock Lesnar was really enjoying himself at Raw on 7/6/2015?  I couldn’t help but laugh when he tore the car apart.

It did. I can see what, that had to be a hell of a lot of fun.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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