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By Dave Scherer on 2015-07-14 09:59:00

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My question is about the whole Steve Austin - Piper saga going on. I'm afraid I have to say that I'm on Piper's side on this one. If Austin had a problem with one of Rowdy's episodes, common respect would be to contact Piper first and ask him to not include whatever Austin had a problem with on the show. It seems to me that Austin in this case is taking advantage of his celebrity and him going to PodcastOne himself instead of Piper really irks me as a backstabbing move. So, Austin is allowed to talk about other people's personal issues on his podcast, but when he is talked about he runs to management and gets Piper's podcast removed. Now I get he only asked for one episode to be removed, but, it just takes one red flag to cause a downward spiral. What do you think on this matter? 

I honestly can’t say because I don’t know who is telling the truth. If Piper is, then I agree with you. Even if he isn’t, Austin saying on air that he didn’t like Will Sasso lampooning him struck me poorly. Steve is a public figure and as such, should be able to take ribbing in stride. There was nothing heinous said that I heard by Sasso, just good natured ribbing. If Austin is telling the truth, then he is in the right obviously because he would be blamed for something he didn’t do. Hopefully, Piper will respond on his next podcast.

Since it's almost a forgone conclusion Seth Rollins wins at Battleground, there's no way he beats Brock cleanly. Do you think with his ties to Triple HHH that there's much of a chance Kevin Owens causes Brock to lose thus setting up a Brock vs. Owens Summerslam matchup? and would it be a case of "too much too soon" if they were to have Owens beat Brock cleanly for the rub at Summerslam?

First off, I fear that there will be a screw job finish in Lesnar-Rollins too, which I think will suck. Rollins has been booked to beat ONE guy cleanly, one guy he wasn’t afraid of. They aren’t doing his character any favors. I would love to see Owens vs. Brock from a work standpoint, but I would rather Owens come at him straight on if they go that way. Plus, if Owens loses to John Cena and then moves on to Brock, it would be a buzzkill to me.

Was that intense exchange between Titus and JBL from last week's RAW on commentary part of the show or was it Titus trying to step up from his own volition?

It was great. They sparred and Titus showed great chops and the ability to hang in the moment. I loved it.

Where's David Otunga? And can he stay there forever?

He worked the house show in Chicago last weekend. At this point, he is, in my opinion, in WWE due to his Hollywood connections. If he wanted to be a full time wrestler, he would actually be wrestling.

Isn't the fact that only 1 of Tough Enough's participants took the initiative to watch Beast in the East indication that there's a discordance between what the WWE aims to do--finding for a new viable worker--and choosing people who are barely interested in the product enough to watch the show? How serious were they in scouting a new "Superstar"?

Yeah, that would be troubling for me if I were in WWE management for sure. Part of the problem is that the being a reality personality aspect is probably more important to the program than being a potential pro wrestler. That is just how it works in TV these days.

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