Match Number One: Anthony Nese (with Caleb Konley, SoCal Val, and Andrea) versus Trevor Lee
Nese with a forearm to Trevor on the floor and they return to the ring. Nese with a punch. Lee with a running forearm or two. Lee misses a Superman punch but he connects with an elbow. Lee with a German suplex but Nese lands on his feet and hits a double stomp.
Everett comes to the ring to provide moral support for Lee. Nese sends Lee to the floor and he complains to the referee about Everett. Caleb attacks Trevor on the floor. Nese continues his attack on the floor. Lee with a kick and chop. Nese with a forearm and hard Irish whip. Nese chokes Trevor in the corner.
Nese with a hard Irish whip. Nese with a chop. Lee with a boot but Nese with a European uppercut. Everett runs into a boot. Lee with forearms but Nese trips Lee. Nese misses a springboard moonsault. Lee with a running forearm and knees in the corner. Lee with forearms but Nese with a jumping boot. Nese with a matrix but Lee with a kick followed by chops and kicks. Nese with a back heel kick and a regular kick followed by a super kick. Nese avoids a double stomp but he gets a near fall with a rollup and then he hits a one arm buckle bomb.
Lee with a jumping doubles stomp followed by a Superman punch for a near fall. Lee goes to the apron and he sets to hit a running kick on Nese but Nese moves and kicks Caleb Nese with a DDT on the apron followed by a 450 splash but Lee kicks out. Lee kicks Nese and Nese with a waist lock and standing switch. Nese with a single leg crab.
The referee pulls Nese away from Lee. Lee sends Nese to the floor. Lee with a kick to the head followed by a deadlift German suplex. Nese with a pump handle move but Trevor counters and gets the three count with an inside cradle.
Winner: Trevor Lee
After the match, Caleb attacks Lee and Everett goes after Caleb. Nese attacks Everett with a pump handle sit out piledriver. He does the same to Lee.
Match Number Two: Zack Sabre Jr. versus TJ Perkins
They lock up and Sabre with a waist lock but Sabre escapes. Sabre and Perkins with near falls. Sabre with a surfboard. Perkins tries to escape but Sabre stays in control of the match. Perkins with a snap mare and wrist lock. Sabre with a series of snap mares but Sabre kicks Perkins away.
Sabre with a drop toe hold but Perkins with a front face lock. Sabre with a chin lock but Sabre holds on to the ankle and manipulates it as he turns Perkins in unusual directions. Perkins with a head scissors. Sabre with a head scissors. Sabre returns to the head scissors. Sabre with a head scissors but Perkins with a cartwheel.
They lock up and Perkins is Irish whipped into the ropes and Sabre does not fall for the trick and he applies a wrist lock. Perkins works on the knee but Sabre kicks Perkins in the head. Sabre with a wrist lock on Perkins and he gets a near fall. Sabre with a boot to Perkins. Sabre with a single leg take down. Sabre with a wrist lock and he tries to break the arm but Perkins gets to the ropes. Perkins tries to escape but Sabre holds on to the wrist lock.
Sabre lifts Perkins in the air to continue to work on the wrist. Perkins with a wrist lock and he works on the elbow. Perkins with a suplex and he rolls through for another one and he hits a belly-to-back suplex. Perkins misses a frog splash. Sabre comes off the turnbuckles but Perkins with a drop kick to the back.
Perkins has a kick blocked and Sabre rolls through but Perkins with a head scissors. Perkins with a single leg crab into a Cloverleaf and he pulls Sabre into the center of the ring. Sabre with a head scissors but Perkins counters into a rollup for a near fall. Perkins with a European uppercut. Sabre has a European uppercut blocked and Perkins with a back slide. Sabre kicks Perkins into the corner and he connects with a series of running European uppercuts, but on the third attempt Perkins rolls through into a cross arm breaker.
Sabre with an arm bar but Perkins gets to the ropes. Sabre misses a rolling kick and Perkins with a round kick out of fireman’s carry. Perkins with a rollup for a near fall. Perkins comes off the turnbuckles but he is caught by Sabre into a triangle arm bar. Sabre with a chicken wing with his leg and he applies an arm bar on the other arm and Perkins taps out.
Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.
Before our next match, Drew tells Orlando to fire up. He tells Trent the sole reason he is in Evolve is because of Trent Baretta. One year ago, Trent arranged a match but he got injured. He then got a match against Chris Hero and he became the Evolve Champion. Last night, he lost his Evolve and Dragon Gate USA title. This is the first time he was in Evolve not as a champion. He will climb the ladder to regain the title. He says that he is sick and tired of his bitches interfering in the match. He wants Trent to send them to the back so we can see who is the best.
Match Number Three: Trent Baretta (with Andrea and SoCal Val) versus Drew Galloway
They lock up and Drew misses a punch but Trent with a chop. Drew misses a punch and Trent with another chop. Trent with a side head lock and chop. Drew sends Trent into the corner and he misses another punch. Trent with a side head lock. Drew with a shoulder tackle and double stomp. Trent with a chop.
Drew misses a clothesline and Trent with a forearm. Drew with a boot after Trent has some words for him. Drew with punches and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Trent goes to the floor. Drew with a forearm to the back and then he chops Trent and Trent is sent into the crowd. Drew slams Trent into the announce table. Drew sends Trent into the wall. Drew brings Trent back into the ringside area and Trent with a super kick.
Trent sends Drew back into the ring and Trent punches Drew and chops him. Trent chokes Drew in the corner. Trent with a kick followed by a snap mare and knee drop for a near fall. Drew with a chop but Trent with a drop kick. Trent gets a near fall. Trent goes to the apron but Drew blocks a springboard move with a clothesline. Drew with chops and then he sends Trent into the turnbuckles and connects with a forearm and hits a clothesline off the turnbuckles.
Drew sends Trent chest first onto the turnbuckles. Drew with a pop up spinebuster for a near fall. Drew charges into the corner but Trent with a double stomp that sends him to the mat. Trent misses a running knee and Drew misses a kick. Trent with an enzuigiri. Trent with a double jump back elbow followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall. Trent tries to suplex Drew back into the ring but Drew blocks him and connects with a forearm. Drew picks up Trent and Trent tries to counter into a tornado DDT but Drew does not go down.
Trent gets Drew on his shoulders but Drew with forearms and Drew with a DDT on the apron. Drew rolls Trent back into the ring and Drew with a buckle bomb. Drew with a second buckle bomb. Trent with a Jig N Tonic for a near fall. Trent with a boot but Drew with an elbow and he hits a wheelbarrow front driver for a near fall. Drew goes up top and Trent stops him and hits a belly to belly superplex. Trent with a flying boot for a near fall. Drew with Future Shock for a near fall.
Drew punches Trent but Trent with a forearm. Drew with a forearm. Trent with a forearm. They continue to go back and forth. Drew with a kick to Trent but Trent with an enzuigiri. Drew with a forearm and flying boot. Drew picks up Trent for the Future Shock and he adds a swing for the three count.
Winner: Drew Galloway
After the match the Premier Athlete Brand comes to the ring and they attack Drew. Drew fights them off and then he attacks Andrea. He goes after Val but the referee tries to stop Drew and Drew sends the referee to the mat.
Match Number Four: Evolve World Championship Match: Timothy Thatcher versus Chris Hero
They shake hands and Thatcher will not fall for a trap. Thatcher goes for the leg but Hero with a side head lock. Thatcher with a wrist lock. Thatcher gets to the ropes and there is a clean break. Hero with a waist lock but Thatcher goes for the arm. Thatcher gets Hero to the mat. Hero goes for the leg and he sets for a surfboard but Hero with a rollup for a near fall. Thatcher goes for the arm and Hero gets to the ropes.
Thatcher with an arm bar. Hero goes for a drop toe hold but Thatcher does not go down and Thatcher with a reverse chin lock. Hero gets to his feet and he gets on top of Thatcher and works on the leg. Thatcher gets to the ropes and Hero breaks.
Thatcher with a single leg take down and he tries to turn Hero over for a single leg crab but Hero will not go over until Thatcher can finally get him over. Hero escapes and he works on the legs and sends Thatcher to the mat. Hero works on the ankle. Hero starts to work on the legs and drives the knees into the mat.
Thatcher with a wrist lock and he applies a front face lock. Hero backs Thatcher into the corner and he connects with a knee. Hero with more knees and a bicycle kick. Thatcher with European uppercuts but Hero with a knee. Thatcher with knees and a forearm that sends Hero to the floor. Thatcher with European uppercuts on the floor. Hero with an elbow to Thatcher’s head. Thatcher with a European uppercut but Hero with an elbow. Thatcher with another European uppercut.
Hero with a boot to Thatcher on the apron but Thatcher does not go down. Hero with more boots but Thatcher stays on his feet. Hero finally gets Thatcher to the floor. Hero gets back into the ring to break the count. Hero with an elbow to Thatcher. Hero with an elbow. Hero sends Thatcher back into the ring.
Hero gets a near fall. Thatcher kicks at Hero but misses as Hero prepares to pounce. Hero with a back senton but he lands on Thatcher’s knees. Hero backs Thatcher into the corner and connects with elbows. Hero with a front face lock but Thatcher goes for the leg and Hero with a kick for a near fall.
Hero with a jaw breaker. Hero kicks Thatcher in the side of the head. Hero with knee drops to the injured ear. Hero with another knee drop. Hero kicks Thatcher to block a kick. Hero slaps Thatcher in the side of the head. Hero gets a near fall. Thatcher with a waist lock but Hero with a side head lock. Hero with elbows to the side of the head. Thatcher with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.
Thatcher with knees and European uppercuts followed by a double underhook but Hero blocks the suplex and Thatcher with knees to Hero. Thatcher with a front face lock. Thatcher with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Thatcher with an arm bar. They go to the apron and Thatcher goes to the floor and connects with a forearm. Thatcher slams Hero’s throat into the apron. Thatcher with knees to the head. Hero with an elbow and he gets a near fall. Hero with a near fall. Hero with a wrist lock into an arm bar with a front face lock. Hero with a rollup for a near fall. Hero with an elbow. Thatcher blocks a rolling elbow with a head butt. Thatcher with European uppercuts. Hero with a bicycle kick. Thatcher blocks a power bomb.
Hero with a rolling elbow and a second rolling elbow. The elbow pad comes off for a third one. Thatcher with an arm bar but Hero with elbows. Thatcher holds on and Hero with more elbows. Thatcher with the arm bar and Hero taps out.
Winner: Timothy Thatcher
After the match, Zack Sabre Jr. makes his way to the ring and he takes the mic. Zack tells Chris his ears work so he heard what he said. Next match in New York, I want a championship match. He tells Chris he is going to do what he couldn’t do and the Queen’s favorite wrestler will be champion.
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