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By Dave Scherer on 2015-06-24 09:59:00

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Am I the only one who thinks Punk is stirring the pot a little with his comments against Hogan? We get it, he's done with wrestling. Punk should have recognized that Hogan was seeking attention and went after Punk. I don't condone what Hogan did, I find it immature honestly, but by reacting, I feel like Punk opened an old wound that had just stopped bleeding. Punk should have been the bigger man, or at the very least took to twitter to keep from insulting his old fans and keep out of the wrestling world. Your thoughts?

I can’t say you are the only one who thinks that since I haven’t talked to everyone about it! Me, I have no problem with it. Punk is a true blue Chicago Blackhawks and hockey fan. He sees Hogan as a poser fan and ripped him for what he said. I don’t have any problem with it.

My question is about GFW. I was excited to see where this will go as Jarrett has great connections with some very rich people, but I just think his whole approach is wrong. What really doesn't make sense to me is this whole ballpark events approach that Jarrett has. They drew about 500 people to their first live event, and having it in huge ballparks just makes the whole thing counter-active if he's trying to build an alternative to WWE. Even if the ballpark was filled to capacity, it just still looks silly when you have a ring in the middle of a ballpark and fans are 20 feet away from the ring. Not to mention, it already looks like TNA-lite with a 6 sided ring w green ropes. We already have a WWE and a TNA, why doesn't Jeff Jarrett take a different approach? He's shooting for the stars without building any base. He knows he's not going to fill up the arena whenever he has his "tv taping", why doesn't he try to make it completely different from TNA and WWE? For example, instead of running arenas and sound stages, why doesn't he run smaller venues such as the Lowell Memorial Auditorium, the Manhattan Center, or venues such as NXT is running and make it an intimate setting. Once you see if that is profitable, and once he realizes if he can fill those buildings or not, then start trying to book arenas little by little. I believe these venues have always looked awesome for TV, and from what I know, he has a great production company to do lighting/entrance sets for GFW. I don't want to come across as hating on Jarrett or GFW, but, if WWE (who is a world wide known brand) is sometimes having trouble filling arenas, how in the heck is Jarrett going to fill any arena with a start up brand? 

In a word, money. What you are talking about requires a lot of it, coming from Jarrett. What he did was get paid to run shows. GFW isn’t really much of anything yet, so to judge it off of these stadium shows is not the right way to go.

I enjoyed the Money In The Bank PPV, and appreciated the show of respect for Dusty Rhodes at the start of the show. I also couldn't help but notice that the divas' match ended with a Dusty finish. Was this a coincidence, or was it booked that way as a tribute to Dusty?

The true Dusty finish is you go off the air thinking that the title changed hands, only to find out later that it didn’t. So it wasn’t that. It was just your basic, Bellas screw job finish. It is supposed to be building to Paige getting some NXT Diva help.

I have a question regarding Brock Lesnar's recent run as world heavyweight champion. I would like to know who's decision it was to put the title on Brock? Was it a contract stipulation that Brock wanted in order to sign (or re-sign) with the WWE or was it a creative decision? If it was just a creative decision how or why would Vince o.k. this knowing Brock would be off tv and PPV for nearly half a year.

It was Vince McMahon’s decision. He wanted to capitalize on Lesnar beating The Undertaker and get a buzz going when he destroyed John Cena. He is fine with the schedule he and Brock have agreed on.

Recently you mentioned that if Sunny were to do a porno  it'd be likely WWE would strip her of being a hall of famer. At the same point up until the assault allegations you left the idea of Chyna  going in as a possibility. Why believe Chyna  could have gotten in with multiple porn films under her belt and at the same time believe Sunny could be taken out?

I never left it open as a possibility, other than you have to leave an infinitesimal chance because you can never say never on most things. Given her past behavior alone, even before what she claimed about HHH, I never believed they would even trust her with a live mic at one of their biggest events of the year, let alone put someone with her track record in the Hall.

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