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By Dave Scherer on 2015-06-17 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

Can you please explain why the WWE love the Bella twins? For the life of me  I can't understand it they switch from baby face to heel more than The Big Show?

Vince McMahon is said to be a major proponent, and of course John Cena and Daniel Bryan are too. I don’t understand their flip flops either. But they do have value to WWE, as evidenced by Total Divas.

What are your top 5 PPV's to go back and watch on the Network?

I would have to say the five that I liked the best.

NOTE: The above question was asked by an Elite member who knows I HATE doing top five and ten lists. He was busting my chops. I busted back. Anyone who took it differently please, lighten up.

John Cena has not had a bad match since winning the US title.  In fact, they have all been fantastic, and against fresh opponents who come out looking better, even on the losing end.  We even saw Cena, the internet and indy fan's most hated wrestler, have a ROH style match against Kevin Owens at MITB.  Cena is not only elevating the US title, but the title is elevating his game as well.  Can we finally put to rest the ridiculous idea that Cena can't wrestle, and will the fans start to accept him as the great wrestler that he is?

I put that to rest long, long ago. Honestly, anyone who is saying that now looks foolish because he proves them wrong all the time.

A couple weeks ago on NXT, Eva Marie was interviewed, and she said she was hoping to join the brand. During that segment, the crowd totally jeered her, with boos and chants of "you can't wrestle." I have heard that she's training, but to be honest, I think Total Divas was the main reason WWE hired her. Now, if she's able to improve her skills at the Performance Center, then good for her. But right now, the NXT crowd sees her as a hack from Total Divas, and they don't want her to muck up a great women's division. Your thoughts?

I think that your assessment is exactly how the NXT crowd sees her. She will have to deliver in the ring and earn their respect. It will not be given.

Sad to see Dusty go as I was always hoping for a one off run of Polka-dust where Dusty took on some of the Goldust/Stardust gimmick. Do you know if there was ever talk of something like this or was it just some germ of an idea in my sick head?

Go with the latter on that one. And yes, that is something I don’t think anyone else wanted to see.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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