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By Dave Scherer on 2015-06-03 09:59:00

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Do WWE and ROH have a current working relationship?  Seeing as Samoa Joe Jimmy Jacobs, Brian Danielson, Kevin Steen, El Generico, and others have a lot of footage. It would make sense that they are sharing Joe and possibly future others for footage? 

WWE doesn’t share their footage! They own it and will keep it that way. If they wanted to do a DVD, they could talk to ROH about paying rights feels, but they don’t have a working relationship.

I believe there is a place for blood, matches like hell on a cell, elimination chamber, I quit matches, last man standing, and other gimmick matches are all enhanced by the use of blood. These matches are still used by WWE and are just not the same without the blood.  These matches should be used to end feuds and are designed to be violent, they just don’t work without blood. Ive been a fan for 30 years and now at 40 i find myself more and more into the indy scene where blood is a common site in promotions like CZW, IWA mid south and deep south, BJW and the new reformed FMW. Why do you guys not give promotions that do death matches the time of day?

Uh, no. I get what you are saying but here is the deal. 20 years ago, we didn’t know what we do know about blood born diseases, staph infections, etc. So, slicing yourself open with a razor blade was self mutilation, but it wasn’t know to pose health risks. Now, that has changed, much like WWE and the NFL have made changes to their product to deal with newer information that was learned about the impact of head trauma and concussions. You have to adapt as new information becomes available. Also, WWE wasn’t publicly traded then as they are today. They have to answer to stockholders now. I have no edict against covering guys that bleed and/or take shots to the head here at the site but frankly, I have no desire to cover it knowing what I do about what those things can do to a body.

I just read about Kevin Nash wanting a real retirement match and the idea he pitched (which seems like a really intriguing idea) publicly and it got me thinking as I do also remember an interview of Christopher Daniels, I think done for a shoot-dvd in which he, among others, noted Nash as being a good idea for the creative team (referring to TNA's team at the time). I'm obviously not into the inside but I'm assuming you guys know a little more about the creative mind of the former Diesel, so my question to you is: Would Kevin Nash, now out of the problematic position of also being an active member of the roster like he was in his relatively short-lived time as head booker in WCW, be a valuable asset to a creative team (more likely WWE's, I guess)?

Kevin Nash is a really smart guy, that’s for sure. I don’t know at this point in his life if he would want the grind of being in a creative role. He has made a lot of money and lives life on his own terms. Going to work for someone else probably wouldn’t be that appealing, especially because in WWE he would be a cog on Vince McMahon’s team and in TNA, he would probably get frustrated quickly and who knows how much money they could pay him.

Was TNA's move from Spike to DA the kiss of death for them? TNA is such a shame. They have always put out a better pure wrestling product than WWE. And I definitely feel more vested in TNA wrestlers characters, despite the history of them not always having the best creative angles.  Do you see anyway WWE winds up buying TNA? Especially now to fill network time. JMo, WWE network should be a destination for all wrestling action. Wheter WWE directly owns the promotion or not. I know that is not realistic while VM is around though.

Until they actually die, I can’t say that they have had that kiss. But, it certainly hasn’t moved them forward, just the opposite in fact. If TNA were to fold, I am sure WWE would try to buy their tape library. History shows us that they would. I see your point about airing shows but the flip side is that if WWE airs them, they also have to pay them. And give them exposure on their platform, potentially giving them the chance to get stronger and ultimately compete with WWE. That would be insane to do. And keep in mind, it’s The WWE Network, not The Wrestling Network.

I recently read a question on your site where a reader was seemingly criticizing WWE for running the Elimination Chamber in Corpus Christi because it was a small market and on short notice. Wouldn't an excellent use of the WWE Network be to have any anything can happen feel where small market house shows can become PPV events and those who subscribe to the network get the news early.

I have said for a while now WWE should put more actual wrestling product as a Network exclusive, so I love what they did with The Chamber. I liked that they got innovative. Short notice? No big deal to me. In fact, I like it. It’s refreshing and outside of the box thinking. And I got another show as part of my $9.99.

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