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By Mike Johnson on 2015-05-16 10:00:00
Just recently I've been talking about wrestling with my Dad. I've been a wrestling fan for more than 10 years now and he never really understood my fascination with it, especially when he came across SmackDown on TV the other night. It's kinda hard for me to explain to him what wrestling is all about and how it works (he's basically going the "this is fake" route without using the word "fake", if you know what I mean). So my question to you is if there are any wrestling-themed documentaries (along the lines of the recent E60 Behind the Curtain documentary) you could recommend to show to anyone who doesn't get wrestling?

I would show your father "Beyond the Mat" and "Hitman Hart - Wrestling with Shadows" as I think each of those allow someone to understand what the pro wrestling business is about as an art form and as from a human interest perspective.

Among the WWE's potential DVD releases for 2016 that you reported on Monday, wouldn't the History of the U.S. Championship, if done right, be one of their best DVDs in years? Just the early Flair battles with Snuka, Valentine & Piper would be a treasure trove that most fans have never seen. Plus Magnum vs. Nikita, Steamboat vs. Austin, etc. It could be awesome. Thoughts?

It could be, but WWE will also want to feature a lot of their more modern material, bouts that current fans will be interested in and has been shot in high definition. I agree that WWE could put together an awesome collection just based on the material filmed in the NWA and WCW, however.

If your ultimate goal was to make it in WWE but they weren't ready to give you a shot yet, but you had offers from everyone else, which of these would you forwork: TNA, TOH, somewhere in Japan or elsewhere?

Wherever I was going to get paid the most money for the easiest schedule. I'd want to save my body for a potential WWE run.

Has WWE buried Sandow? His Macho Man imitation is really weak. Why do they continually sink guys, intentionally or not, that get over on their own? Also, was it really necessary to have a New Age Outlaws imitation on RAW after we already had Hogan, Savage and LOD imitators that all bombed?

I don't think they buried him, because he had already been exposed as a comedy undercard character. They had their chance to use the end of the Mizdow run as a way to give him more upward mobility, but they decided not to do so. So, he's where he always was - a hard working comedy guy who's going to get a big reaction.

Whatever happened with the Jimmy Snuka grand jury?

Still investigating. A decision is slated to be released until this summer - I believe July.

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