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By Dave Scherer on 2015-05-04 09:59:00

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I read the article on TNA Slammiversery being offered on an over the top basis and it got me thinking. When WWE Network becomes popular enough and Vince McMahon decides to start charging for PPV's (I think within the next five years). Do you think it'll become a platform for other companies (EG HOH) to promote their events on the WWE Network?

At this point in time, I don’t see it happening since WWE likes to own the content that they put on the Network. Down the road, you never know.

So Hulk Hogan teased wrestling one more time quite often now, lately at the press conference in Australia. My question is: Would that be a good idea in any way? He's over 60 now and while in very good shape, not just for a man of his age, also had hip replacement and many more surgeries repairing his, over an almost 40 years spanning timeframe, battered body multiple times. On the other hand: He is Hulk Hogan. No matter what one claims to say, when people who have no idea about wrestling are asked about it, they likely still say "Oh, that's what Hulk Hogan did" (or replace the Hulkster's name with Rock/Dwayne Johnson). I don't want him in the title picture at Wrestlemania, but the idea of the old veteran craving for one more shot at the title that he won 30 years ago has some appeal to it, maybe not at 'Mania, but at a ppv close to it. If they can keep say Rollins strong and then let him beat Hogan in a close match where the Hall of Famer fights for his life one more time, it could get the fans invested and elevate Rollins (or whoever is Champ then) to a bigger level. The final farewell then maybe in a tag team match at Wrestlemania, tagging with Cena for example. What do you think of such an idea?

I always come back to Jerry Lawler, who had a heart attack in Montreal after doing some in-ring work. If that were to happen to Hogan, especially at WrestleMania, it would be a huge nightmare for WWE. I do NOT want to see a senior citizen getting a WWE Title shot, no matter who it is. If Hogan is going to work one more match, I want it to be in a tag situation, where the younger guy can do the heavy lifting and Hogan only does his signature spots. But I don’t want to see him wrestle a singles match. Too much could go wrong.

Why hasn't WWE brought in the Dudleys? I think they would elevate the tag division and add some life to a product that has been stale since the RAW after Wrestlemania. 

The simple answer is that they are in their forties and WWE is trying to get younger, not older. Also, as veterans there is an expectation of salary involved as well.

Should I make a sign at Payback that reads:"If Rusev quits, we riot."? Seriously, are they really going to destroy Rusev's credibility by having him tap to Cena? It would be so wrong.

I wouldn’t be against that. I agree with you 100 percent. You would think that WWE would learn from what happened to Bray Wyatt last year, when they booked him so badly against Cena that he hasn’t recovered. If Rusev quits in a few weeks, I agree it will be detrimental to his character.

Do you think Lucha Underground has a product to compete with WWE?

Nope, they are not even close at this time. They are TV show on a smaller network at this time.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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