It's too soon to discount whether Corgan can do anything or not. We have to wait until he's in the process and we see the results before we can truly see what the end result is going to be. It all depends on how involved Corgan is, how good his vision is and how much power he's going to have to effectively execute it. He can have all the great ideas in the world but if Dixie Carter doesn't want to follow through, it won't work. We will see.
Who do you think should replace Taz on commentary?
I am sure this will never happen since TNA and wrestling in general are so youth-obsessed but I'd really like to see them get an older veteran, like a Tully Blanchard or a Les Thatcher in that role so they can give some proper analysis and take us "inside the mind" of a wrestler and why they are doing what they do in the ring.
I saw WWE Network was bleeping the word "God" on Mick Foley's comedy special. Why?
I think they were bleeping "Goddamn" and my guess is they were taking the better safe than sorry mode when it comes to material that appears on the linear Network. When you have something going to so many different countries and cultures, it's best to err on the side of caution.
Where the hell is Sting already?
Currently, there are no plans for Sting within WWE. He's still associated with the company and will be part of their licensing and merchandise but beyond that, no plans for storylines. That, of course, could always change.
Is NXT turning Alexa Bliss?
That certainly appeared to be the case after last night's episode.
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