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By Dave Scherer on 2015-04-29 09:59:00

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You say that WWE contracts are vetted to make sure they're in compliance with the tax code, but I think it's probably that no one challenges them on the independent contractor designation for endorsement deals, so they can keep asking talent to share the wealth even if they're not entitled to it. It's like CM Punk said, you can't hold an independent contractor for breach of contract. They can either come and go as they see fit and do whatever they want with their lives (outside of the WWE ring) or they can't. But what you can do is scare your talent into never pushing the issue by reminding them of the real possibility that if you don't play by their rules, you don't get to play their game...which obviously is patently unfair. WWE wants it both ways and there's no way an understaffed and overworked IRS is going to call them out if the wrestlers themselves don't make it an issue.

If that were the case, Punk would have challenged the contract. Look at it like this. You enter into a contract to get a pool put in your yard. You pay the pool company (the independent contractor) to put in your pool. There are conditions in the contract that both sides have to adhere to. The same holds true for the WWE deals. By independent contractors, they are really employees that get 1099 forms instead of W-2s. But there are conditions in the contract that the talent signs. No one forces the talent to sign them. And you have to be fair here, WWE does pay for the promotional machine that makes many of the talents. They do deserve a piece of the action from the stars that they make.

Why WWE doesn't use Lana as a wrestler, I mean she is as much popular as any other diva in the roster. Does she know how to wrestle?

She is an actress by trade. She has appeared in some movies from what I remember. That is the role she signed up for, kind of like Lilian Garcia signed on to ring announce.

Can WWE Superstars turn down movie roles if they don't like the project? Or would it just mean that they aren't asked again for the next one?

Yes to both. So why would they?

If you were in a position to offer Daniel Bryan wrestling advice, would you suggest he cut back or eliminate altogether some of his high-risk moves that can cause long-term damage to his neck and body?  Personally, i'd be happy if I never see another diving headbutt again, because of both the potential long-term damage it may cause, and, as a fan during the 90's and 2000's, I can't help but be reminded of Chris Benoit every time I see it.

Absolutely. I would advise him to tone things down and work on doing safer, less impactful things. As we have seen over the last year, his body is already breaking down. He would be wise to be cognizant of that and adjust his style, if for no other reason his health down the road.

It's not a burning question but why do so many wrestlers grease their hair down?

Some guys, like me, have the kind of hair where as they sweat, it puffs out and looks stupid. They do it for aesthetic reasons.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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