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By Dave Scherer on 2015-04-28 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

Last Monday we saw a match between John Cena and Kane, where Kane, in my opinion, looked better than he has in years. Literally beat the snot out of Cena and dominated the match. Cena looked terrible, clearly missing more than half of his "punches" although Kane sold them well. My point being, Cena hit exactly 2 moves on Kane the entire match, winning on the second one. Kane was made to look the fool, and in my opinion deserved better. Does anyone get on Cena to up his game a bit in a situation like this, or is it just me?

Well as you said, Cena was selling most of the match so he was on the receiving end. The finish came out of nowhere, for sure, but the guy who booked it is also the guy who would have a problem if he didn’t like how the match was laid out, if you get my drift.

I'm not sure if it's so much of an important question, but it just popped into my head as soon as I saw Bo Dallas on RAW: Shouldn't someone tell Dallas immediately to get rid of the beard? He already resembles his brother a lot and the facial hair makes it even more obvious that he's Wyatt's brother. Taking aside that it really doesn't work all that well with his overly happy-go-lucky character.

I guess it depends on how you look at it. Me, I see a happy go lucky character that wasn’t over at all, so why not try something different?

The Miz-Sandow feud has really lost its momentum in my opinion. It could easily have been built-up for 3 weeks of them not being allowed to have physical contact else the other one has to say ‘leave the WWE’. This could then allow for either Miz to go shoot his film and/or Mizdow to go away for a bit and get repackaged because he can’t keep this gimmick up for much longer.  Similarly, the boat was well and truly missed in the Miz-Riley feud a few years back. My question is, is this a case of bad booking or is Miz just that boring (tongue in cheek)?

It was absolutely bad booking. Miz has the ability to make people hate him. It makes fans cheer for whoever he is with. They blew it with Riley, for sure. And they have blown it even worse with Mizdow, who was getting over organically. With Miz leaving to film the Christmas movie, it would have made perfect sense to have Mizdow beat him and win the rights. Instead, they had Mizdow lose again for now good reason that I can think of.

First off I'd like to start off by saying that I am a huge fan of Daniel Bryan and his work ethic. With that said, doesn't it seem as though WWE may have gotten it right about holding Daniel Bryan back due to health concerns? I know that they're all professionals but I think Bryan would have been torn to pieces by Lesnar.

Sometimes you do the right thing for the wrong reason. This time last year, the answer is no. The fans wanted Bryan in the main event at Mania and Vince just resisted it because he wanted Batista in there. This year, however, they are absolutely correct in being careful with how they use him. Given he used a holistic approach to deal with a serious medical issue, they were right to do so this year.

My question relates to the content descriptors used with WWE's "TV-PG" rating. WWE only uses a "V" to indicate violence. Since 2011, it seems WWE has relaxed on the family-friendly language, as "ass" and "bitch" are words used weekly now on Raw and SmackDown. I recall SmackDown being "TV-PG DLV" from 1999-2009, and the language is just as bad now as it was then. Do you know why they don't need to include the "L" descriptor for language in their rating now?

Those words get said on broadcast TV in the 8 o’clock hour now. The standards must have changed.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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