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By Dave Scherer on 2015-04-15 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

My question is about Stephanie McMahon. I hate seeing her on Raw, because, in this day and age, the presence of a character like hers is counter-productive. She keeps talking down to and emasculating the male talent without there being any repercussion. I get the whole girl power thing and not crossing the female boss to keep your job aspect of it, but her character evolves in a world where some men would not hesitate to knock her out. But, we know that, in today’s WWE, a male hitting a female on purpose would not happen. The suspension of Brock is a great example. She went off on him. A beast incarnate like that would have hunted her down and taken her out, but she leaves unscathed, which always makes the working talent look weaker than it should. A decade ago, she would have gotten punched, pushed, spanked or whatever the case may be. Your opinion?

Wow, you really wrote “her character evolves in a world where some men would not hesitate to knock her out” and you act like there is nothing wrong with saying it. My opinion? OK, anyone who thinks it’s OK to beat up women because they talk down to is a piece of garbage and if WWE did storylines like that, the repercussions would he huge against them, and completely justified.

So, under pure speculation on my part with little knowledge, I heard what Austin said on the podcast, and heard about the other side of the story.  What if it's just that he didn't really feel like going and taking away from the other talents, and is sort of unhappy with the product's direction like he stated a few times prior?  What if it was just, "Well, set him up a spot if he wants to come visit and be a part of it" and he didn't show, and people were just caught off guard he decided to stay at home, and it's no more than that, no heat, just "didnt make it to the party, sorry, got tired" or something?

What if when you blow on a dollar bill it suddenly becomes a hundred dollar bill? It would be great, but it is also not going to happen, just as your speculation is completely false.

Regarding Scott Steiner…what reasonably adjusted adult acts the way he does? He really comes across as someone not in control of himself and at the edge of criminal behavior. Is this par-for-the-course with him or has his behavior deteriorated over the years?

He has always been this way, or at least for years now. He says what he wants to say and yes, he does come across as angry at times.

I have a quick Wrestlemania timing question. When Wrestlemania aired it went against serious competition for viewers. I mean they went against College Basketball and the season Finale of The Walking Dead. It just seems to me that they could have scheduled it with minimal competition and that would have helped with buys and ratings. The same can be said of The Walking Dead. I mean a two week delay would have helped with buys/viewership.

They are always going up against something. Mania is their signature event and they have to approach it that, as if other events need to worry about them.

There has been a lot of hate towards the 'smart' fan on your audio shows, and I feel like it is justified. One of the most common themes is that the smart fan is their own worst enemy. I have to point out that ya'll are, in essence, the most extreme examples of being smart fans, to the point of making a living out of being a smart fan.  How do you know you're not falling into the same traps? How do you know you're hatred of Russo doesn't blind you? How do you know the streak wont end!? Please put my fears to rest and explain how you are infallible.

I know I am not because I always consider all sides of every issue before I form my opinion. And I don’t hate Russo. Part of me loves him because he gives us good fodder for our shows when he does silly stuff. Seriously, all it takes is to be fair and be willing to change your view when circumstances do the same.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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