It's not one-sided reporting. It's the fact of the matter. The reality is that until WWE released Punk, there was always a chance, however minimal, that the entire thing could have been resolved and they would have ended turning the entire thing into a forgotten chapter or some sort of storyline work. Punk might have been steadfast in his decision he was done, but people change their minds all the time. Once WWE fired him, they drove a stake through that possibility. No one is denying Punk was done when he walked out but you also forget that Punk didn't have a job like you and I have - he was an independent contractor and since WWE didn't sue him for breach of contract, they obviously felt they couldn't pursue him for something he did to wrong them. We aren't re-inforcing Punk's claims, we are stating the facts at hand.
I watched the SmackDown after Wrestlemania where the Prime Time Players cut a promo on New Day. While I like watching lower card feuds given a chance I gotta say I was a little disgusted when they talked about Kofi's chest. You can make fun of someone's hair or call a wrestler fat since they have some control over it. But clearly this was something Kofi was born with and it didn't stop him from living his dream. What are your thoughts on this especially with the Be A Star stuff WWE does?
It's professional wrestling. I don't know how you can get angry at one wrestler trash talking another, plus if WWE aired it, they cleared it and I am sure Kofi Kingston cleared it as well.
Do you think Brock Lesnar bladed at Wrestlemania? There's been a lot of speculation online. WWE denies it happened, but it seemed like Lesnar blocked the shot to the ringpost with his hands and didn't hit the post hard enough to cause that amount of bleeding. It looked like a blade job to me.
Lesnar didn't blade. A blade job doesn't require staples, which Lesnar clearly had the next day on Raw.
What will Paul Heyman do now that Brock Lesnar is off TV?
He'll wait until WWE brings him back to TV.
What do you make of the WWE lawsuits?
I think if these guys wrestled prior to and after WWE, it's going to be really hard to prove that only the physical punishment they took during their WWE run.
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