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By Dave Scherer on 2015-04-06 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

I’ve gotta say, an up and comer I'm really high on is Kalisto.. The guy has so much talent in him that it will be such a shame if it ends up just "wasted" on the main roster. And also I think The Lucha Dragons have gotten to be a pretty decent tag team. But down the road, do you see a big Kalisto singles push?

I like Kalisto. He is really talented. It’s hard to say what WWE will do down the road. I hope he is used the way that he should be.

Wikipedia says Samoa Joe is signed with WWE, is it true?

As we reported on the site, he has not signed yet.

Great Coverage of Wrestlemania Week, Love the site my only source for legitimate Pro Wrestling news. My question has to do with a missed chance by the WWE on Monday night with the exclusive Sting interview after Raw. Did the WWE miss a chance at a critical time with over 5 million Raw viewers to completely sell the network as a place where anything can happen, by not having a Sting and Undertaker face off exclusively on the Network? Imagine the buzz that would've generated for the Network and for a possible match between the two.

Well here is the thing, at the moment there is no plan to do the match so having them face off wasn’t in the cards.

Stupid question, but since WWE wanted to induct “Diesel” into the HOF, wouldn’t they have to include both Nash and Glen Jacobs? 

Have to? No, but they could if they choose to, just like they can induct Scott Hall and Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels and DX, Ric Flair and The Four Horsemen, etc.

Who in the Hell decided it was a good idea for Sheamus to ever come out in public looking that damn stupid. Nobody can cal Bryan a Dwarf anymore because Sheamus looked like a death-metal hobbit!

I don’t know as of this writing but whoever it was should not be allowed to make a decision like that again any time soon. I hope Sheamus gets rid of that look asap.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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