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A question was asked on Sunday about Daniel Bryan and John Cena being in secondary title matches. Your answer was, in a nutshell, Daniel Bryan fans shouldn’t be upset about him being in the IC match because Cena is going for the US title. I disagree, as John Cena is always going to be one match away from the main event, while Daniel Bryan is probably going to need something catastrophic to happen to about 6 guys ahead of him for him to sniff the HW title again.  Thoughts?
That is a different issue entirely. I was speaking about this one, specific event. I agree that Cena is right there while Bryan is not. If Bryan can show he can stay healthy, he should get another chance with the WWE Title. And if Monday’s Raw was any indication, WWE has finally realized that it makes sense to treat all three belts as being important.
I'm wondering how the Undertaker prepares for Wrestlemania. I've got to imagine that he gets pretty rusty after a year so where and how does he get 'ring ready'?
He is a pro and knows what it takes to get ready. Much like Triple H, he knows the workout regimen he needs to do to be ready and he does it.
What to do with Dean now? Just like with Bray, Dean is a sinking ship. (Not his fault, he's over with the WWE Universe (gawd I hate that term). Dean hasn't won a meaningful match in quite some time now. Bringing him out on Raw to lose to Cena after losing the IC Title match? What was the point of that? They could have brought out a dozen people for that spot (Axel, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, etc.). That was stupid. Pointless. So, now what do we do with Dean? Since him and Bray are in the same boat.... repackage both into a tag team? Former enemies (Shield v. Wyatt Family) now teaming together to take over the tag division? I got nothing!
Sigh. Sometimes “smart†fans are too “smart†for their own good. Monday’s Raw was an example of when a loss actually helps a guy. Dean stood toe-to-toe with Cena and it could have gone either way. Relax, and see where it goes. Dean surely did not get buried by losing.
If Larry Zbysko can get into the HOF then it’s time for Stan Hansen to get in. The completely awesome badass division in the HOF needs some inductees. And we could do an online petition to get Dave to induct him in? Failing that, Ted Dibiase would be a great choice.
Stan Hansen is a first ballot Hall Of Famer on anyone’s ballot. I would love to see him get inducted and next year in Texas would be perfect. I could see JBL doing it, since he was fond of using the Lariat.
Sting VS HHH : if it wasn't so sad, it would be laughable. Amazing how much stupidity they can cram into one match. And the worst part is that HHH beat Sting not by being a better wrestler, but by whacking him in the head with a sledgehammer! So it kind of looks like HHH could not beat Sting without help...and what does that say?
Like I said above, smart fans……sometimes you are your own worse enemy. There is more to wrestling than just moves. They told a good story and gave the fans a historic DX vs. nWo face off. I loved it. Again, there is more to the business than just moves.
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