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By Dave Scherer on 2015-03-31 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

You said in you previous Q/A piece, as an answer to a question, that you would like to see Cena given good, scripted promos/interviews. Why?! WWE needs  more leeway and a improv/ab lib style to the promo's, this scripted baby crap we keep getting is mostly flat and tiring.

Why? Because Cena already HAS that leeway and it often leads to corny ass promos. The worst part is, sometimes he gives great, amazing promos. I really think he needs an editor to keep him aware from the cornball stuff.

Do you see Terry Gordy going into the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Freebirds?  It makes sense, I would kind of like to see him go in with Dr Death Steve Williams considering what an amazing team they were.

Doc and Gordy were a great team for sure and they deserve to be in on merit, but they competed in Japan and that could work against them. I would be really surprised if the Freebirds don’t go in next year in Dallas. It is a no-brainer to me and with Michael Hayes entrenched in his role, I would shocked if it doesn’t happen.

When I saw the tease on Sportscenter that a live interview with Brock Lesnar was coming up, I was 100% convinced he was returning to UFC.  Am I alone in thinking this was HUGE for WWE, to get their current champion live on ESPN to announce his decision to stay?

I was tipped before it went on, so I was pretty sure he was staying, but yes I think it’s a huge deal for WWE to get that kind of coverage on SportsCenter.

I have heard a lot of opinions on WWE’s referring to title belts as “titles” or “championships, but to me it sounds a bit strange when, in the course of a storyline where a challenger steals a title belt from the champion, the champion repeatedly says “Give me back my title” or “Give me back my championship”, when those things can only be transferred through the course of a match. As an older fan, am I being too literal?

I think so, yes. At the end of the day, the belts are what WWE says they are, just like wrestlers are “sports entertainers”. WWE has changed what the business used to be, and they won the war. So they get to call fans “The WWE Universe” if they want to.

For all of TNA’s perceived faults, the one thing that I admire the company for is the fact that at any given time, there are no less than four competitors clamoring for shots at the World Title. I believe that this type of storytelling makes the title seem more valuable when more people desire it. Do you think that WWE’s product could be given a boost if they adopted a similar desire for their top title instead of the challenger-of-the-month approach that they currently employ?    

I have been saying WWE needs more credible guys at the top for years. Part of why the Attitude era worked was there so many guys you legitimately believed could be champion. Part of the reason the product got stagnant is that they booked one guy as a Superman character. More people will get engaged if there is more variety on the show.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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