The "Pipebomb" reference was made to CM Punk's promo on Raw where he railed against the company and voiced his frustrations. The idea was that anyone else could do damage with a promo but a microphone in Punk's hands was as dangerous as a pipebomb.
I am curious to know what a guy like Booker T's thoughts are when he hears Triple H tear down WCW? I know WCW wasn't the greatest, but that is where he (I know as well as Triple H) got his start. I maybe reading more into, but he didn't look to happy on the 2/16 RAW after Triple H was done with his segment.
Booker knew what was going to be said and was selling in his role as Sting's proxy that night. I am sure that Booker has pride in his work from the WCW era, but by the same token, he knows the lay of the land. In WWE's mind, WCW was the enemy.
Is there any chance of an EVOLVE matinee in Brooklyn, NY before Summerslam?
There is always a chance, although nothing has been announced as of yet.
Why isn't Jim Cornette in the WWE Hall of Fame?
Cornette obviously isn't a big fan of the current WWE product, but I have to think that the main reason is they didn't offer it to him. I think if they told Cornette they wanted to honor him and even more importantly, The Midnight Express, he would be open to the idea.
Obviously, it's Wrestlemania week. When you go and cover it, is it paid for by WWE?
I cover my own expenses when I am on the road as I am this week. WWE does not pay my flight, hotel, etc. If they offer a press pass to events they are promoting, that is fine but offering to cover the cost of the weekend would be a conflict of interest in my mind.
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