WWE NXT in Cleveland
Overall the wrestling was good but nothing out of this world. They weren't
going out there to put on masterpieces. They did their thing, got their
characters over, and kept it pretty basic in the ring. It was just a good solid
show and I cared at least a little bit about everyone on the card, which is what
is most important. It was presented with pride, respect and passion. Sami Zayn's
promo captured the vibe of the show well, he was great on the mic and sold the
event, NXT, and pro wrestling as a whole as something special.
There was barely any ringside seating since the area was so small. The entrance
"ramp" was about 10 feet long.
Before the show officially started, they had this Todd Pettengill type hyping
the crowd, asking ringside fans who would win in the upcoming NXT title match
between Balor and Owens, and giving us hashtags to use (for which I am eternally
JoJo sung the National Anthem to a very CFO$ sounding backing track and with
really weird lighting going on. It was presented like she was on American Idol
or something. It was all very awkward.
Corey Graves come out to a good pop to start the show. S(terling) J(ames)
K(eenan) chants which he acknowledged and appreciated. I think he's a Pittsburgh
native so I'm sure he's wrestled around town in his indy days. He put us over
for selling out 1500 seats in under an hour. It's strange just how much more I
like this guy now that he's retired, he's an excellent talker. I wish I would've
appreciated him more when he was active, but his work on NXT mostly bored me.
He's a lot better to me just being himself, he showed a ton of charisma tonight
just in this little bit welcoming us to the show.
Anyway, he introduced NXT General Manager Lord Steven William Regal, which got a
massive pop and even more massive chants of "REGAL" and "THANK YOU REGAL" and
even "WE'RE NOT WORTHY". It's so fun to show these guys respect for all the
entertainment they've given us over the years. I've been watching William Regal
since the mid 90s and this was the first opportunity I've had to see him in
person, and it the perfect time and place for it. Regal kept it short and sweet,
and said let's get the show going.
Match #1
Tyler Breeze def. Baron Corbin
-Corbin's entrance is really underwhelming without the lights synching up and
the close-ups. He got some boos, I guess because he feels like not one of "our"
guys or something. He did get cheers for a couple of impact moves, but overall
he does seem limited.
-Breeze is almost too much like Shawn Michaels, he did a nice job playing the
cowardly, vain heel (not that the crowd played along, unless calling someone
gorgeous is an insult). His desperate need to take selfies during the match has
grown on me, I dig it. His offense is too weak looking though, also a criticism
many threw at HBK.
-Finish came with a superkick followed by the Beauty Shot. Really made Corbin
look weak, I must say.
Match #2
Simon Gotch def. Buddy Murphy
-The Villains came out to different music and worked face, it went over very
well. Fans chanted for Gotch and he started doing squats in rhythm with the
chant, I loved that.
-Finish came when Blake and English brawled to the back, distracting Gotch and
allowing Murphy to get the win with a dastardly tights-grab.
-Blake came back and they started double teaming Gotch, until BIG CASS ran in
and cleaned house. Dude looked way more impressive live, for some reason TV
negates his size for me. Enzo appeared in the balcony with Carmella and cut his
usual promo, which ruled, and Big Cass finished it up by telling us they're
taking the tag titles, and the champs are S-A-W-F-T SAAWWWWFT!?
Match #3
Rhyno def. Kallisto
-I wanted to see bummed out Lucha pointing Sin Cara SO BAD and he wasn't
there. I considered leaving, but decided to tough it out. The fans were about as
excited about Lucha pointing as Sin Cara usually is.
-Rhyno got a huge pop and lots of Gore and ECW chants. I get the ECW chants, but
I guess Rhyno is a big liberal or something?
-Match was a fun little face vs. face style clash, with Rhyno doing a great job
taking Kallisto's ranas etc. and playing a bit of a heel in terms of being on
the offensive, though he never stopped acknowledging/encouraging the crowd
support. He did spit on Kallisto at one point, which prompted a "holy spit"
chant. Wow.
-Ended with a flurry of counters into a super cereal Gore Gore Gore!
-After the match, in the restroom, there was a baby in there (in someone's care
I assume) chanting "lu-uh lu-uh lu-uh" and it was the cutest thing ever.
Match #4
Hideo Itami def. Tyson Kidd
-Crowd loved both guys. I especially wanted to cheer Itami. With the
sacrifices he's making, moving half-way around the world and re-learning his
craft while learning a new language and culture (all for a developmental deal!),
I wanted to make him feel as welcome as possible in my frozen dump of a city. In
turn, I booed the hell out of Kidd, I love the guy but he's fun to boo because
he's such a little punk.
-They did some really good chain wrestling to open the match, culminating in a
rope break and cheers. A much more subtle, less pandering way of indy wrestling
exchange stand-off. These two are pros.
-After Kidd controlled the match for a bit, Hideo went into beast mode with an
electrifying KENTA combo and a dropkick in the corner. GTS chants everywhere. He
went for it twice and never scored it, eventually winning with that damned kick
which got an audible groan out of me but Kidd sold it great, splayed out on the
mat for minutes selling unconsciousness. Big ovation for Itami after the match,
I saw a lot in him tonight. Just needs a finish and a little better build to the
end of his matches.
Match #5
Fatal 4 Way for the NXT Womens' Championship
Sasha Banks (c) def. Charlotte, Bayley and Alexa Bliss
-Sasha is so over. With great reason.
-Right off the bat, Sasha and Charlotte locked up aggressively, fell through the
ropes, got up and double clotheslined the piss out of each other on the floor.
This left Bayley and Bliss to lock up, and proceed to botch around a little bit.
They tried doing one of those standoff things but the fans didn't respond to
Bliss (who they'd played up as being the hometown favorite) because of the
messed up moves. This affected things later in the match when Sasha was supposed
to get heat for cutting Bliss's momentum off, but instead she just got cheered
-The women worked hard and felt like they went out to try and steal the show.
There were definitely good spots, but it didn't quite click to me. The fans gave
it a lot of love though, NXT and This Is Awesome chants. Sasha won after Bayley
started Hugplexing everyone in sight like a gorgeous Ken Shamrock but Sasha
tossed her out of the ring and pinned...one of the blonde ones, I forget if it
was Bliss or Charlotte.
Match #6
Cesaro def. Finn Balor
-Balor's entrance is a blast live, even without the histrionics. They did do
the AHHHHHH! thing with the lights along with the music, which was fun to
emulate. Dude comes off like total heel though, someone who's doing him and
doesn't care what the crowd thinks.
-Cesaro, predictably, blew the roof off the place. I had no idea he was gonna be
there, so yeah, I was hyped.
-This was a pleasure just to sit back and watch. Like Itami/Kidd, they did some
great chain wrestling to start off the match.
-Cesaro seems to have so much more fun in this setting, he was doing his HEYYYY!
stuff and being a ham.
-At one point, we started chanting for the Swing, so Cesaro gave it to us...for
5 revolutions before twisting it into a leg grapevine submission.
-Late in the match, Cesaro went on this running uppercut rampage, I think he hit
6 of them in a row before Balor countered with a Sling Blade. He hit a top rope
double foot stomp to the back of Cesaro's head for a believable nearfall.
-Finish came when the two were countering each other and Cesaro shoved Balor
into the ref, allowing Cesaro to roll him up and get the win. Kind of a meh
finish, but I like it in that the most over guy in the building wins and you
protect your #1 contender.
This is where Zayn cut the aforementioned promo, it was great stuff. He can
really talk, and I believe what he says. He closed by telling us we were about
to see a great main event.
Match #7
Kevin Owens (c) def. Adrian Neville
-People were not into Adrian Neville. I get why, because I didn't used to be
either, but now I think the guy is awesome, kinda sucked to see him get so
little of a reaction. Freaking JoJo was getting chants all night, and this guy
gets crickets, you know? He'll be better off on the main roster, I think he's
too dry and serious for NXT. Owens came out to mostly cheers, with some boos.
-Early on, Neville hit his twisting dive to the floor. Outside of that, the
match was heavily dominated by Owens, who wrestled a very methodical, brawling
oriented style. They tried to get fans behind Neville but it wasn't really
happening. Fans were chanting for Owens as he dominated the match.
-Neville scored with his rebound German suplex and reverse rana for near falls,
then went for the Red Arrow only to be thwarted. Steen went for a swanton and
got nothing but knees. Neville went for the Red Arrow again, but got stopped.
Owens hit that...gosh-darned pop-up powerbomb and won, it's such a heel move to
me to end a match with a "nope powerbomb I win" out of nowhere. Owens did his
job as a heel tonight, for sure. I thought we might see Zayn run in and try and
exact some revenge, but not tonight.
Todd Jr. came out and thanked us for coming, implying that NXT would return to
Cleveland soon. If it does, I will definitely be there. I hope it's the exact
same venue, and I get the exact same seat, and buy the exact same beers, and
just take it all in. One of the best times I've had at a wrestling show, no
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