I am always of the belief that unless the disputed finish can be used to come back and draw you more money for a rematch, there really is no need for one. I don't see WWE keeping Bray so strong that Taker vs. Bray II would mean more than this match will mean, so I'd prefer a clean finish, no matter who wins.
Whatever happened to ECW's Chilly Willie?
Willie entered the Armed Forces after 9/11 and served in The Middle East, where he was given a purple heart. He was signed to a WWE developmental deal but was released. I believe he was living in The Barbados for several years and just returned, within the last year or so, to North Carolina, where he was training in MMA and pro wrestling but I don't know that he's returned to working independents or anything like that. I always thought he was a good, underrated talent.
We've all heard everyone's opinions of Vince McMahon, but I was wondering what your opinion was of Jim Crockett? Also do you ever see him being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?
I don't see WWE ever inducted Crockett into the Hall of Fame, although, if they ever run a Wrestlemania in Charlotte, that's a great marketing angle. I have never met or spoken to Crockett, so I can only go by what I've been told and what I've seen second-hand in documentaries and such. I have a great deal of respect for him since he takes the personal blame for the end of his company and doesn't pass the buck onto anyone else. I know that everyone who has ever worked for him has good things to say and really, the only negative is that at the end of the run, the money wasn't there, but it wasn't there for him either and he lost his family business. I'd like to see him come to one of the fan conventions in Charlotte to give him some personal closure, but beyond that, I think he was an upstanding promoter who did what no one other than Eric Bischoff has done - given Vince McMahon legitimate competition. That is to be respected.
Where is Trinity?
Working full-time as a stunt woman.
What's the worst venue you've ever attended a show in?
During the New Japan tour of the United States a few years ago, they booked a venue in Manhattan called Basketball City. Well, that's what it was called but the reality is that the venue was literally half contructed, as in there was no floor yet and it was all concrete with lots of concrete residue and dust in the air. It looked like something out of a horror movie. Oh and there were no bathrooms. Just Port-a-Potties, so imagine the comfort in this place!
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