Hey guys, just went to the 2/15 WWE “Road to WrestleMania” tour at the Germain Arena in Estero. As someone who cut their teeth going to ECW arena shows back in the day I had to re-adjust my expectation level for the event. It was family friendly, with a lot of kids and a lot of comedy matches. They had a Raw type of set up, and with the configuration it was close to a sell out. I would surmise a crowd of about 5,500.
First match was Kevin Owens vs Adrian Neville. Neville was over as a face and Owens did a good job as heel. Really good opener. The guys were snug and believable. Owens won with a power bomb in 8:34.
Next match was Titus O’Neil vs Darren Young. O’Neil did a good job of playing heel and playing to the crowd. Young wins with a sunset flip to a roll up in 6:30.
There was a Kane video package hyping up the match later in the show.
Next was Fandango with Rosa Mendez, Heath Slater and Hornswaggle vs Los Matadores and El Torito. Basically a comedy match with El Torito doing a lion tamer like finisher on Hornswaggle in 5:57.
Jericho came out for the highlight reel, putting over Fort. Myers. Cesaro came out and heeled the crowd. This led to an impromptu match with Jericho winning with a face buster to the knee in 9:34.
Next was Bray Wyatt and Corporate Kane vs Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton. Bryan was over and did his usual Yes chant. Orton got a huge pop and was the most over for the show. Orton is very crisp, and his punches are the best in the business. Back and forth match with Bryan doing the running knee to Kane and getting the pin at 15:06. Bryan left and gave Orton the spotlight to pose for the crowd.
Summer Rae, Sasha and Alicia Fox went up against Nattie, Emma and Paige. Jerry Lawler was the ref. Paige is over. She does a really good job interacting with the crowd. A competitive match with the expected comedy spot of the King having the Divas roll all over him. Paige beat Alicia Fox in 7:20 with a scorpion cross lock.
Miz and Mizdow faced the Usos for the tag titles. Miz took the mike and cut promos, then the Usos came out for some more mike work. It seemed to drag on and on. Miz reminds me of Larry Zbyszko with his stalling and not in a good way. Usos won with a double superkick in 11:03. The Uso’s danced with Mizdow after the match.
The main event was a Fort Myers street fight between Roman Reigns and Big Show. Reigns got a nice pop entering the ring. Big Show played heel. This match was pretty rough. Lots of missed spots. Reigns got some boos as the match went on but the work in the ring was such that the fans were not reacting that much. Reigns used a Singapore cane on Show. He was very weak with the shots. The finish had Show set up a table in the corner, which he was going to throw Reigns into. Reigns reversed it, Superman punched him and speared him……short of the table. They missed it and it did not break. It kind of fell on them as they went for the pin. Reigns posed. He needs to find some charisma, because as far as I’m concerned, he does not have IT yet and WrestleMania is around the corner.
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