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Week after week we see Seth Rollins complaining about getting screwed out of world title matches, how Roman Reigns cost him his shot at Wrestlemania... Hello? He's Mr. Money In The Fricken Bank!!! What sense is any of this storyline supposed to make?
Uh….er………I got nothing. He could have a Title match whenever he wanted, as you said.
Am I the only one who tires of people like Darren Young throwing around "freedom of speech" whenever they say something that goes against their employers' policies or practices? Those people are constitutionally illiterate. Young's First Amendment right to free speech wasn't violated. Congress didn't ban him from saying something. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to say whatever you want without consequences.
That misunderstanding of the First Amendment bugs me too. You have a right to say what you want here, but it doesn’t mean there are consequences for your words.
Two matches, and both have dq's of the same nature? I ended up turning it off and read the followup on your site (thanks, because my headache was too much). When are they going to learn that booking this way (constantly) is destroying the product?
They will only get that message when enough people stop watching on TV and buying the Network. Until then, they will not. Or should I said HE will not. And you can’t blame him really, he can point out the successes that the company has.
Today is the 25th anniversary of Buster Douglas beating Mike Tyson for the heavyweight boxing title. He was a 42 to 1 underdog. With all the talk of matches like the Royale Rumble results being predictable because fans know who is being pushed and knowing months in advance who will be wrestling who at Wrestlemania because fans know the story lines, what if WWE did something really as unpredictable and unlikely as Douglas beating Tyson? Because in the real world those kinds of surprising upsets do happen. Not only would it make the product more interesting but also make it seem more "real."
They key words you used were “real world”. WWE isn’t real world, it’s scripted world. They can’t have a guy like Santino Marella win the WWE Title without making it look bad. Now, a Dolph Ziggler for instance? Sure, they could do that, or maybe even a monster type that comes up from NXT. But they can’t have a journeyman wrestler do it.
So, if Big Show gets dizzy from being turned so often, and slips and falls on top of a spectator will there only be a small settlement from the “E” for an accidental injury or will the spectator be able to prove malice and forethought?
That is a good case for Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. Yes, it makes me dizzy thinking about all of the times he has been turned. I can only imagine how he feels.
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