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By Mike Johnson on 2015-02-14 10:00:00
In a day and age, where it is so hard for a wrestler to get over as a pure babyface.. Who would you say is the better pure babyface, Sami Zayn or Daniel Bryan? Because both are awesome at playing that role and getting their respective audiences to cheer them.

I usually don't compare guys, but I think in terms of just being a pure babyface, I actually give the nod to Zayn as he does a great job of using his wrestling and selling to draw you in emotionally and make himself a sympathetic character. Bryan's popularity is sort of based on inertia and his overall legacy at this point and I think a good portion of the audience just wants to chant "Yes" so, at least right now, I give the nod to Zayn.

Isn't Chyna's latest nutty behavior (claiming she's getting married one day, then claiming she's considering three different proposals the next day) all the proof we need that she's way too much of a looney tune for WWE to risk a Hall of Fame induction on?

In this case, no. Chyna claimed that what was written on Twitter was not written by her, but by someone who was running her Twitter account. I actually believe that because why would she say she'd be happy to go in and then tear everyone involved apart?

What do you think of TNA's new way of shooting their TV shows, making the arena dark so that you can't see past the row of fans? I think it's a mistake. Although it might help keep the focus on the ring, the audience should be part of the show, audibly and visibly. It also looks like there's no one there, which is a terrible message to send, IMO.

It's been described to me as by top executives there as a work in progress, It was obviously much better with the Glasgow tapings, so I think we'll start seeing things change a little least I hope so.

Is Wade Barrett being punished for getting injured, or some other reason? For that matter, is the Intercontinental Title being purposely devalued? I don't understand bringing a guy back who was getting over, having him win a title immediately, then making him lose over and over. What's going on?

It's just not a priority and Vince McMahon believes that if and when he decides he wants to push someone or something, the fans will accept that it's not important and the past doesn't matter. I don't believe that to truly be the case, but internally, that's the decree.

Is Vince McMahon so ignorant that he didn't know the live fans, especially in Philadelphia, would dump all over the Royal Rumble when Daniel Bryan was eliminated so early? Or, is the head of this publicly traded company that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars so arrogant that he just doesn't care what the fans want?

In his mind, it's neither. From your perspective, it's probably somewhere in the middle. I just feel that had Bryan gone out at the end, the audience would have been more forgiving of the finish. As far as the decisions made, Vince believes that the audience will get behind what he wants them to get behind and for the most part, he is right. They don't want Bryan to be the guy and the audience doesn't want to accept that, so it's going to be a back and forth until they present him in a way the audience wants. I don't think it's arrogance as much as it's Vince truly believing Roman Reigns fits what's best for the company in his vision and he's going to do what he sees best.

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