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By Richard Trionfo on 2015-01-23 22:49:20
Welcome to’s live coverage of SHINE 24 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

The show will stream live on iPPV via and the WWNLive Roku Channel. To order, visit WWNLive and log into or sign up for an account with the service by clicking here.

Match Number One:Amber Gallows (with Luke Gallows) versus Amanda Rodriguez

Luke gets on the apron and Amber hits Amanda from behind and she chops Amanda in the corner and connects with forearms. Amber with kicks and she chops Amanda again. Amanda with an arm drag and kick to Amber followed by a snap mare and kick to the back followed by a neck snap for a near fall. Amber kicks Amanda and sends her into the ropes. Amber chops Amanda and chokes her in the ropes. Amber with forearms across the chest.

Amber pulls Amanda by the hair while she is still in the ropes. Amber with a suplex for a near fall. Amber with a kick to the back but Amanda blocks a suplex and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Amber with a clothesline and then she sends Amanda into the turnbuckles. Amanda with an Irish whip but Amber with a triangle choke in the ropes. Amber with a kick and she gets a near fall. Amber with more near falls.

Amber with punches to Amanda and the referee warns her so she decides to slap Amanda. Amber with a kick to the midsection and he connects with a shoulder to the midsection. Amber puts Amanda in the ropes and she kicks her low. The referee warns Amber. Amanda with an elbow and kick to Amber followed by a clothesline and back elbow. Amanda with a drop kick but Amber gets her hand on the ropes.

Amanda with an Irish whip but she misses a splash in the corner. Amber with a STO for the three count.

Winner: Amber Gallows

The next match is scheduled to be Luscious Latasha versus Solo Darling, but So Cal Val’s music plays and she comes to the ring with Jayme Jameson, Marti Belle, and Andrea.

Andrea takes the mic and gives it to Val. Val says Valifornia has an insurance policy in the form of Andrea. Val mentions that she sees Solo Darling in the ring, but where are Daffney and Heidi? It appears Solo is solo tonight. Solo has to be held back by the referee. Val suggests that Solo and her friend face her team tonight?

Match Number Two:Solo Darling and Luscious Latasha versus the BTY (Jayme Jameson and Marti Belle [with So Cal Val and Andrea])

Solo and Marti start things off and Solo is still holding her cereal box. Marti asks Solo about her tail and Solo spins around and knocks Marti over. Solo gets a little woozy but she avoids a clothesline and connects with a knee. Latasha tags in and she works on the wrist but Marti with a reversal. Latasha with a reversal of her own and a snap mare and neck snap. Solo tags in and she hits a cross body for a near fall.

Solo with a waist lock and she takes Belle to the mat. Solo with a kick and she tags in Latasha who hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Latasha with a front face lock but Marti runs Latasha into the corner. Jayme tags in and she kicks Latasha. Jayme with a suplex and she tags Marti back in. Marti with a suplex for a near fall. Jayme tags back in and they hit a double suplex and Jayme gets a near fall. Jayme sends Latasha into the turnbuckles and follows with a punch and snap mare.

Jameson gets a near fall after pulling Latasha out of the corner. Jayme turns Latasha over for a Boston Crab. Latasha gets to the ropes and Jayme releases the hold. Marti tags in and she sends Latasha to the mat. Latasha with punches but Belle with a clothesline and she sends Latasha into the turnbuckles and kicks her in the midsection. Latasha with shoulders but she misses a splash into the corner. Belle chokes Latasha in the ropes.

Belle with a splash to the back and then she chokes Latasha in the ropes. Belle sends Latasha into the turnbuckles and tags in Jayme. Jameson with shoulders in the corner and she kicks Latasha in the head. Jayme mocks Solo about making a tag. Jayme with a fallaway slam but Solo tags in and she throws her cereal at Jayme and hits a spear. Solo with a spear to Marti. Solo takes care of Jayme and Marti with double sledges.

Solo sends Jayme into the turnbuckles and she shakes the ropes like the Ultimate Warrior. Jayme blocks a kick and she punches Solo and pulls her by her tail. The referee warns Jayme and then she sends Solo into the turnbuckles. Solo is put on the top turnbuckle but Solo with forearms but Jayme with a power bomb and Marti with a splash to allow Jayme to get the three count.

Winners: Marti Belle and Jayme Jameson

After the match, Val grabs Solo and Andrea with a running drop kick. Andrea poses over Solo and then she turns her attention to Latasha. Andrea gets her up and hits a sit out power bomb from a Burning Hammer position.

Valkyrie makes their way to the ring and Allysin Kay says that you haven’t forgot about them and they haven’t forgotten about you. There is no more Kong around here. There is no more Angel Williams. Who is left? We know what happened to Jessicka Havok. Valkyrie is here. They are bringing the Shine Championship home. Tonight, they re-establish their dominance.

The three opponents for Valkyrie make their way to the ring together. Jessica James, Athena, and Leva Bates are at ringside.

Match Number Three: Taylor Made (with April Hunter, Allysin Kay, and Su Yung) versus Jessica James (with Leva Bates and Athena)

Taylor comments on her opponents height situation. Taylor circles her opponent but Jessica with a kick and punch. Taylor goes to the ropes to stop Jessica. Jessica with a drop toe hold and then she trips Taylor. Jessica with an arm drag into an arm bar. Jessica with a hammer lock but Taylor stomps on the foot. Jessica with an arm drag and Taylor gets to the ropes.

They lock up and Taylor with forearms followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Taylor with a kick and snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Taylor gets a near fall. Taylor sends Jessica face first into the mat and then she kicks her in the back. Jessica stomps on the foot but Taylor with a forearm to send her to the mat.

Taylor with an Irish whip and she kicks Jessica in the corner. Taylor kicks Jessica in the corner and then she chokes her with her boot. April gets on the apron and distracts the referee, allowing Taylor to attack Jessica and she gets a near fall. Taylor gets a near fall.

Jessica with a cross arm breaker but Taylor gets a near fall and then she hits a power bomb for a near fall. Taylor pie faces Jessica but Jessica fires back. They exchange forearms. Taylor blocks a kick but Jessica kicks Taylor in the head and hits a DDT and both women are down. James gets a near fall.

They lock up and Taylor backs Jessica into the corner and connects with a forearm. Taylor misses a splash into the corner and Jessica with a clothesline and she goes to the turnbuckles for a tornado move into a suplex and she gets a near fall.

Jessica with a head scissors driver for a near fall. Jessica misses a splash into the corner and Taylor hits a running cutter for the three count.

Winner: Taylor Made

After the match, Taylor is attacked from behind and April has her in a sleeper.

Match Number Four: Leva Bates versus Su Yung (with April Hunter)

Leva makes an invisible line for Su to cross and Su gets face to face with Leva. Leva pushes Su down and she goes to the floor. Su is helped back into the ring and Leva with a Thesz Press and she punches Su. Leva with a guillotine choke and elbows to the head. Su with a double leg take down into a camel clutch and forearms to the chest. Su with forearms to the back and then Su misses a drop kick when Leva holds the ropes. Su sends Leva to the mat but Leva with a boot to Su. Leva with a kick that sends Su into the corner.

Su with an elbow and then she sends Leva to the apron. April grabs Leva on the apron but Leva kicks April away. Su with a drop kick to knock Leva to the floor. Su with a cannonball onto Leva, who was placed in a chair. Su is rolled back into the ring to break the count. Leva gets back into the ring and Su gets a near fall.

Su goes for the Billy Goat’s Curse and locks it in. Su sends Leva’s head into the turnbuckles and then she lands on Leva’s back. Su kicks Leva in the corner and she chokes Leva but Leva with a chin lock and Su gets to the ropes. Su chokes Leva in the ropes. Leva wraps Su in the ropes and the referee warns Leva. Leva with a forearm but Su puts Leva in the corner but Leva with an arm bar submission. Su with a power bomb for a near fall.

Su puts Leva in the Tree of Woe and Su says something to the referee before kicking Leva in the back. Su misses a baseball slide when Leva pulls herself up but Su hits a hangman’s neck breaker and gets a near fall. Su kicks Leva in the back and then she goes for a surfboard.

Su chokes Leva but Leva with a lungblower and both women are down. Leva with chops and a kick followed by a knee lift and forearm to the back. Leva with a kick to the chest and she gets a near fall. Leva with a knee followed by a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Leva goes to the turnbuckles and misses when Su rolls out of the way. Su with a kick to send Leva into the turnbuckles.

Su chokes Leva and stomps on the chest. Su goes to the turnbuckles but Leva with a punch to stop her. Leva puts Su on the top turnbuckle and she connects with a running knee to the midsection. Leva goes to the turnbuckles but Su stops her and she pulls Leva to the mat. Su gets a near fall. Leva with forearms to Su but she misses a super kick. Su with a sleeper and she turns it into the mandible claw but Leva gets to the ropes and Su refuses to release the hold.

Winner: Leva Bates (by disqualification)

After the match, Leva attacks Su as she leaves the ring.

Match Number Five: Allysin Kay (with April Hunter) versus Athena

Allysin attacks Athena from behind and sends her to the floor as we find out that this is Allysin’s house. Athena tries to get into the ring but Allysin keeps her from re-entering. Athena with a leg drop on the rope and Allysin goes to the floor. Athena with a suicide dive onto Kay. She hits a second one and then she goes for a third one but Su and April run interference. Athena goes up top and hits a cross body onto everyone.

Athena kicks Allysin and sends her into the turnbuckles. Athena with punches but Allysin with a low blow the referee did not see and Allysin gets a near fall. Allysin kicks Athena and gets a near fall with a Jericho cover. Allysin with a kick to the midsection. Allysin with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Kay gets a near fall. Kay sends Athena to the floor and she distracts the referee to allow April and Taylor to attack Athena. Su rolls Athena back into the ring.

Allysin with a Japanese Stranglehold with her knee in Athena’s back. Athena gets out of the hold but Allysin with a chop and she gets a near fall. Athena with shots to the midsection and head but Allysin with punches. Allysin with another Jericho cover for a near fall. Allysin kicks Athena but Athena kicks back.

They exchange kicks to the leg and Athena with a forearm. Allysin with chops. Athena chops back. Athena with a snap mare followed by a super kick to the back of the head and a back senton for a near fall. Athena tries for a German suplex but Allysin blocks it. Allysin with a standing switch but Athena with a jaw breaker and kicks. Athena with a seated abdominal stretch but Kay gets a near fall with a rollup.

Athena gets Kay to the mat and she applies a modified Last Chancery but Kay is able to roll over and she applies a reverse chin lock. Athena with chops but Allysin with a waist lock. Athena holds on when Kay tries for an O’Connor Roll. Athena with a rollup followed by a super kick. The referee lectures Allysin about her illegal ways in the ring and that allows Valkyrie to attack Athena on the floor. Kay gets a near fall when Athena is rolled back in.

Athena with forearms but Kay with a Saito suplex and she gets a near fall. Kay has a kick blocked and Athena with a head and leg overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Athena with a handspring splash into the corner followed by a boot to the head. Allysin is pulled out of the ring to prevent Athena from doing any more damage. Kay with punches and she gets a near fall.

Athena with a series of kicks and Kay does a modified Flair flop. Athena goes up top for the O Face but April crotches Athena. Allysin blocks O Face and hits a German suplex followed by a discus lariat for the three count.

Winner: Allysin Kay

Match Number Six: SHINE Tag Team Champions Legendary (Malia Hosaka and Brandi Wine) and Thunderkitty (with Leilani Kai) versus The Kimber Bombs (Kimber Lee and Cherry Bomb) and Leah Von Dutch

All six women start off in the ring and we get a triple figure four spot and the referee demands that control be restored.

Thunderkitty and Leah start things off and Leah with a drop toe hold. Hosaka gets a drop toe hold followed by Wine and we have a pile in the ring.

Thunderkitty tags in Hosaka and she is brought into the ring the hard way. Leah sends Hosaka into the turnbuckles and she kicks Malia. Malia is sent into the turnbuckles and Leah with a series of shoulders. Leah with a snap mare and figure four head lock. Leah turns over and drives Malia’s head into the mat. Brandi tags in and so does Kimber Lee. Kimber with an X Factor and Cherry tags in. They kick Brandi to the mat and then they hit a double bulldog for a near fall. Cherry sends Malia into the turnbuckles.

Kimber tags back in and she connects with forearms. Cherry tags in and she connects with a shoulder in the corner. Kimber tags back in and she hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Brandi kicks Kimber and tags in Thunderkitty. Thunderkitty with a kick but she is sent into the turnbuckles. Cherry is tagged in and hits a splash on Thunderkitty for a near fall.

Cherry with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kimber tags in and she chops Thunderkitty. Kimber with a slam and she gets a near fall but Leilani pulls the referee out of position. Kimber sends Thunderkitty into the turnbuckles and Cherry tags back in and they hit a double suplex and Cherry gets a near fall. Cherry with a chop. Kai trips Cherry and Brandi comes in and kicks Cherry and then Thunderkitty catapults Cherry into the turnbuckles.

Brandi kicks Cherry and the referee deals with Kimber and that allows Cherry to be triple and quadruple teamed. Brandi with punches and chops in the corner. Malia tags in and Cherry is sent into Malia’s boot. Malia with a head butt and she hits a diving head butt. Brandi tags back in and she hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Brandi works on Cherry’s back.

Malia tags back in and she applies a reverse chin lock. Leilani chokes Cherry in the ropes with everyone else. Malia tosses Cherry across the ring by her hair and Kimber tags in and hits a drop kick on Malia but Brandi tags in and blocks a drop kick attempt. Malia tags back in and Malia with a leg drop and Thunderkitty gives Kimber a Charlie horse.

Kai slams the injured leg into the apron while Cherry and Leah take the focus of the referee from the chicanery. Leah tags in but Malia with a clothesline. Leah with an Irish whip but Malia misses a round kick. Leah with a chop and both women go down when they go for each other’s hair.

Cherry and Thunderkitty tag in and they work over Thunderkitty. Cherry with a Codebreaker and Leah with a moonsault for the three count.

Winners: Kimber Lee, Cherry Bomb, and Leah Von Dutch

Match Number Seven: SHINE Championship Match: Mia Yim versus Santana

They lock up and Mia with a side head lock. Mia with a top wrist lock into a hammer lock. Santana with a side head lock and take down. Mia with a head scissors and Santana escapes. They lock up and Santana with a wrist lock but Mia with an Irish whip. Santana floats over and connects with an arm drag into an arm bar.

Mia with a wrist lock but Santana with a reversal into a side head lock. Santana with a head scissors but Mia avoids a leg sweep and hits a drop kick. They shake hands before resuming the match. Mia with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Santana with a shoulder tackle. They lock up and Santana with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Santana misses a cross body when Mia moves out of the way.

Mia with a delayed vertical suplex and she gets a near fall. Mia with a rear chin lock and she puts her knee in Santana’s back. Santana tries to get out of the hold but Mia lets Santana land on the mat. Mia returns to the rear chin lock. Mia with a slam and she gets a near fall. Mia with a Boston Crab and she pulls Santana into the center of the ring. Santana tries to get to the ropes but Mia pulls Santana back into the center of the ring and she turns it into a single leg crab.

Santana gets to the ropes and Mia releases the hold. Mia with a snap mare and reverse chin lock before she stretches Santana. Mia with a body scissors and she gets a near fall with a rollup. Santana leans back and gets a few near falls. Mia with a bow and arrow but Santana is able to flip over and gets a near fall with a lateral press.

Mia with a waist lock and Santana with a sunset flip for a near fall. Mia with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Mia with punches to Santana and the referee warns the champion. Mia with forearms to the back while she has Santana in the corner. Santana with an elbow and forearm. Mia pushes Santana but Santana with a clothesline and back elbow. Santana with a kick and swinging neck breaker for a near fall.

Mia hangs in the ropes but Santana kicks Mia to the floor and then she hits a suicide dive onto Mia. Santana with a cross body but Mia with a boot to Santana. Santana with a handspring back elbow and she gets a near fall. Santana goes to the turnbuckles for a tornado move but Mia pulls Santana off the turnbuckles.

Mia with a gutwrench suplex and she gets a near fall. Mia with a cannonball to Santana and she gets a near fall. Santana with an elbow but Mia with kicks and a back fist followed by a German suplex and she gets a near fall. Mia sets for the package piledriver but Santana gets a near fall with a jackknife cover.

Santana with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Santana with a standing switch but Mia with a standing switch of her own. Mia with a German suplex and boot to the head followed by the package piledriver for the three count.

Winner: Mia Yim

After the match, Amber Gallows pulls Santana down and they fight to the back.

Valkyrie enter the ring and they attack Mia. Allysin with a Dominator to Mia.

Leva comes out and she tries to help her tag team partner but she is stopped by Valkyrie. Jessica James comes out but she is stopped as well. Athena comes out and Kay takes care of her.

Allysin reminds us that Valkyrie is taking over.

Jessicka Havok’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring and she goes after Valkyrie.

Shine will return on March 6th at the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida. The next WWNLive event in Ybor City will be FIP Ascension on February 20th.

Thank you for following’s coverage of Shine 24.

I will have an audio post game show in the Elite Section later in the weekend.

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