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By Mike Johnson on 2015-01-15 16:09:56
All criminal charges against WWE star Heath Slater were dropped earlier today in Atlanta, GA, has confirmed.

A misdemeanor arrest warrant was filed last month against the WWE star based on a 2011 claim that Slater allegedly tried to force a security guard, Corinne Oliver, to go to his hotel room during Wrestlemania 27 weekend in Atlanta, GA. When the allegations were originally made in 2011, Oliver alleged that Slater grabbed her in a chokehold as she escorted him away from fans during the Wrestlemania afterparty, but that she was able to pull herself away.

While the incident allegedly took place in April 2011, Oliver did not report it to Georgia police until June of that year. At the time, her attorney, Jackie Patterson, claimed that Oliver initially reported the incident to her supervisor at Allied Barton, the firm which employed her. The firm told Oliver that they would get the issue resolved and when they didn't happen, she made the decision at that time to pursue criminal charges.

Slater publicly denied all the charges when the arrest warrant was filed, stating they were "completely frivolous" and that they would be thrown out once a judge heard the evidence. Slater, at least in regard to the criminal matter, was correct.

Slater was pulled from the road once the arrest warrant was issued. With the charges dropped, he could be returning to WWE action as quickly as this week's TV tapings in Texas.

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