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By Mike Johnson on 2015-01-15 13:50:52
WWE and The USA Network have green-lit a new season of Tough Enough, USA Network President President Chris McCumber just announced at The Critics Association Winter Press Tour event in Los Angeles, literally seconds ago.

McCumber said the show would feature completely new format as well as elements that would make the show live and interactive.

The series aired on MTV for three seasons from 2001-2003 before being Tough Enough segments were incorporated into Smackdown in 2004. The concept was dormant for several years until the USA Network picked the series up, built around Steve Austin as the host in 2010 for a single season.

There was talk last year of the series being revived for the WWE Network before those planned stalled. Now we know why. The USA Network wanted it.

Among the competitors who continued on in the business following their appearances on Tough Enough include Maven, Nidia, Matt Morgan, Ivelisse Velez, TNA star Kenny King, The Miz, Ryback, John Morrison, Chris Nowinski, TNA announcer Josh Mathews, Jackie Gayda-Haas, and current WWE Diva Cameron.

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