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By Dave Scherer on 2014-12-31 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

I have a couple of questions: with TNA now showing best of matches would Sting be entitled to royalties while still getting paid by the WWE?

I am 99% sure that his deal would allow TNA to air his likeness on their TV shows so no. Now if it were DVD sales and his contract called for him to get a percentage of the sales, he would absolutely get a check, no matter where he was working now.

Do WWE story lines guide Total Divas or does Total Divas guide WWE story lines?

They work in tandem.

I am a huge pro wrestling fan and also a huge fan of MMA, but one thing that bothers me is the way people keep connecting the two. MMA is a professional sport as football or baseball, and pro wrestling is a performance that requires athletic ability. I didn't like how WWE used it back with Ken Shamrock and dan severn and I don't like the whole thing now with CM Punk getting this shot at the UFC with no MMA experience  and the new concept of LA Fights that Nigel McGinnis has pitched. Do you think people should stop trying to blur the lines between pro wrestling and MMA?

First, there is no reason Punk shouldn’t sign with UFC. He is going in as a beginner, not challenging for Titles. It’s no different than a football player joining UFC. To me, the issue is in coverage. For some reason (I think largely because they liked MMA) a few pro wrestling writers years back started covering both. They justified it by saying that some pro wrestlers went into MMA, and vice versa. Well, a lot of football players have gone into wrestling and you don’t see us covering the NFL here right? To me, that is the line that has blurred and it’s really pretty ridiculous to me. As you mentioned, one is a legitimate sport and the other is a worked art form. They are radically different. To me, we should cover Bobby Lashley’s fights, since he works for TNA. We should also cover Punk’s status sporadically given his past stature in WWE. But if Crusher St. Pierre knocks out Bonebreaker Johnson, that isn’t for us to report on. It is for another site, which is why we have

I just watched the Nigel McGuiness documentary.  The central theme was whether he thought his career was a success or failure.  What are your thoughts on his career?  Sure he never made it to WWE or became rich and famous (which seemed to be his main factors in determining success or failure), but I think of his time as ROH champ and his absolutely fantastic matches with Kurt Angle and can't see how anyone can view that as a failure.  By that same token, I hardly view guys like AJ Styles or Samoa Joe as failures, but if they retired tomorrow, do you think Nigel would view their careers as failures as well?

Personally, I don’t see his career that way but I totally understand why he feels the way that he did. He had things he wanted to accomplish and didn’t do it. It’s similar to CM Punk saying he thought his career was a failure. I don’t agree with him either, but I see how he feels the way he does. Driven people set goals and if they don’t reach them, they feel like failures.

Do you think that HHH will be a vast improvement if he gets the chance to take over or are we just going to see a watered down version of VKM where new guys don't get pushed? Do you see HHH revamping the entire creative aspects? I've always been a fan of smaller wrestlers and I'm concerned that even if HHH takes over that the smaller wrestlers are still going go get stuck mid-card.

He is pushing smaller wrestlers hard in NXT right? I think him taking over would be an improvement if for no other reason, he plans in advance and pays attention to thinks that have happened in storylines. I think it would be unrealistic to expect him to return the product to a Bill Watts’ UWF type of show, but I definitely think there would be less bad comedy and more seriousness and cohesion under him.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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