I do not believe fake blood is used by TNA and certainly not by Dreamer.
On his podcast, Stone Cold asked McMahon if there was anyone in WWE who could work as a go-between for Vince & Punk, like J.R. did when Austin walked out years ago. Wouldn't Joey Mercury be the ideal person, since he is longtime friends with Punk?
Mercury would make sense, but that wouldn't happen unless WWE had Mercury reach out to Punk, which obviously didn't happen. It's also possible Mercury didn't want to get in between the two sides and really, I wouldn't blame him if that was the case!
Soo... Dixie wants Russo, maybe. Hopefully she's learning like Jericho how to bait the internet and just threw out a stinkbomb. Wrestling has always been over the top and needs to be. I'd like to see Dixie take some lessons from Vince Mcmahon and then forget he ever existed. First, take herself off TV after the first show for 6 months... return as a face once in a blue moon. Then de-Jarrett herself, de-WWE herself, never touch ECW - can't go back but try do to reinvent wrestling. Anyone that wrestled pre-2000 don't use them, that's WWE's gimmick. No hall of fame, etc. So, do you think wrestling could be reinvented again.... Jarrett almost did it.
I don't know that wrestling needs to be reinvented. What it does need is to have some of the basic rules of it's universe reinforced and to be entertaining without some of the elements that you referenced. I have no idea whether Dixie Carter was serious or not about Russo. It's her company and she can make whatever moves she wants, but as I stated yesterday, in my opinion, it's not a good move.
Is it true Ivan Putski moved back to Poland?
Putski lives in Texas.
Did CM Punk really poop his pants or was that a work? Do guys often poop their pants in the ring?
Punk did indeed poop his pants and at times, it does happen.
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