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By Dave Scherer on 2014-12-02 09:59:00

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How was WCW able to offer contracts with around half the number of working days than WWE? Were they not running as many shows or just spreading out the top guys on the house shows?

Actually it was a mix of both. They didn’t run as many dates as WWE and they wanted the top guys badly enough that they gave them deals where they wouldn’t have to work the house shows. That made those events watered down and they didn’t do well for the most part.

Well, he finally did it. Now that CM Punk spilled on the details behind his release, how do you think this will affect the backstage atmosphere in WWE? Considering the pretty shocking things that Punk said he endured (a staph infection, an unexpected suspension, working sick, preferential treatment to certain performers, etc.), do you see this to be a public relations nightmare for Vince McMahon in regards to how performers are treated? Obviously, we only have one side of the story, but Punk's never portrayed himself to be dishonest before, and from what I've gathered from his story, I gotta say that I believe him.

Honestly? I don’t see it having much affect at all. WWE is the only game in town for guys to make the money that they make and the wrestlers know that. Plus as history has showed, the workers are their own worst enemies when it comes to banding together and presenting a united front to the company. It’s sad too because if they did band together, they could have power because WWE can’t run a show without them, but thus far they just haven’t figured out that there is power in numbers.

Do you believe that we are gonna see things that will make Cena reinstate The Authority?

If WWE wants to get them back in power, they have three choices. 1), have Cena somehow do something to set it up, 2) Have Vince or the Board overrule the stipulation or 3) Ignore the past stipulation down the road. I could see any of them happening.

The Monday Night War on the network.  I understand the format they present it in taking a particular subject just for that episode, and they can probably produce 100 different episodes that way.  But every episode has the same general theme.  Starts off with WWE being the leader, then WCW acquires household name stars like Hogan and Savage.  They produce a live and more realistic show with good wrestling and take over the ratings.  Then WWE has to change their style to keep up and eventually take over with fresher story lines and younger bright stars.  I get it.  But I personally think the Monday War series would have been a lot better if every episode was just focused on one month at a time.  So the first episode would be titled Sept 1995, and for that 1 hour could really break down the side by side ratings each week, the story lines and possible new talent that came on board to both brands.  That format would really give a better and more detailed perspective on the war.  And thus they could have produced roughly 65 episodes.  What do you think of the way the series is currently produced?  And what would you do different? 

You must not be an Elite member because I have talked about this a lot on audio. I have lost interest in the series as it has largely become clips from previously released DVDs. I too wanted a more chronological and real series, one that told the whole story. What they are doing now is pretty homogenized. I wanted to hear more from the principals as to what was really going on through all of the events that happened during the time. But the winner gets to tell the story and that is what WWE has done.

From here on what is the right way for WWE to build up Erick Rowan as a singles competitor?

The same way they should push anyone, do it strongly and see if you have something in him.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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